DAIA response to the AMIA for the letter and accusation addressed to Cristina: It is annoying to make it public


"We are surprised by the political position of the AMIA, it bothers us that they make it public"Knoblovits told Continental Radio.

Although DAIA's position with respect to the Mutual's application was not clarified, the Manager confirmed that the matter would be considered at the next meeting of the Board. "I understand that there is no political motivation of the AMIA, but it really draws attention to the present moment in this letter", he said.

The AMIA received Thursday a letter in which she sent Knoblovits give up to call the former president in the protocol memorandum with Iran, saying the continuation of this charge would be "prejudicial" to the Jewish community.

"We believe that the maintenance of this complaint is detrimental to the community in general and particularly affects the AMIA in its specific management." It should be remembered that it is the firm opposition of the AMIA that concluded the pact of our country with the enemy of Israel will never come into effect, "says the letter addressed to the president of the DAIA, Jorge Knoblovits.

The members of the AMIA Steering Committee have indicated that "by waiving this lawsuit against Senator and former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in addition to repairing a serious error of the administration previous, the DAIA will start to distance itself from a cause that in the center of the famous crack that divides most Argentines, division which besides does not represent us ".

According to the Jewish News Agency (AJN), the AMIA made this decision at a meeting that was held on January 15 "after an exchange of ideas" between the leaders who make up the management of this institution.

"The DAIA should refrain from suing Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for the memorandum of understanding with Iran," said the text, "the review of this terrible foreign policy decision and its historical turnaround correspond to the whole of the Argentine society and its representatives ". .

In early 2013, Cristina's government, at the request of its then Chancellor Héctor Timerman, signed an agreement with Iran so that the citizens of that country, syndicated by an intellectual author of the attack against the headquarters of the AMIA – occurred in July 1994 – they declare in the Argentine court of another country in the framework of the review of the Argentine investigation on the Terrorist attack.

The treaty was denounced in court and the deceased prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, filed a complaint for concealment against the former president, who was sued in this case with other former officials and political leaders.


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