An old disturbed man scratched 1320 cars and found himself in prison | Chronic


The wandering of a 79-year-old man whose village was going crazy in Vigo was over. In O Calvario – the name seems to predict what the neighbors lived – the septuagenarian did not find a better job than scratching cars in the street. Last year, it damaged about 1,200 and in January, it left its mark on 120 vehicles. All these provisions amount to half a million euros.

Faced with the wrath of the neighbors, who even posted posters in which they denounced the subject, the police acted and finally managed to catch him after receiving an emergency call in which a street brawl had been denounced. One of the people involved was the old man who was trying to free himself from a man who was holding him after finding him at the exact moment his car was scratching with the keys.

The owner of the vehicle, who was bleeding from his nose, said that the defendant had also put sticks in the locks so that they could not be opened. When he blamed him for what he was doing, his grandfather hit him in the face, which caused him bruising and breaking his glbades. Then the fight took place, which ended when the uniforms arrived.

Already, the terror of the neighborhood being stopped, the police discovered that there were in the block six other vehicles with the striped body and elements in the locks. In addition, they said that this reprehensible pastime was not the only one he had because he was also attacking the inhabitants of O Calvario with a cane or umbrella.

During the past year, the subject was interned in a mental health center after one of his many fights, but no psychic disorder, but a lack of empathy, was diagnosed .


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