The shocking moment when the dam breaks in Minas Gerais and the mud wall advances


A week ago, the dam of a mining company erupted in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. The collapse of the dam left 110 dead and 238 remain missing. A video of a security camera shows the moment of collapse.

The toxic mud wall reached 114 kilometers at the hour, according to the images broadcast by the Brazilian channel Bandeirantes. The mud has destroyed everything after breaking the dike Vale mining company, in the city of Brumadinho.

This Friday, dozens of people held a religious ceremony at 1 pm, at the same time as the accident, to remember the victims of the tragedy. "It seems like there was a war," he told the agency AP a young man who has lost all his friends.

The memory of relatives, friends and neighbors of the victims of the avalanche.
The memory of relatives, friends and neighbors of the victims of the avalanche.

As search and rescue efforts continue, the Brazilian authorities are trying to slow the spread of red mud with high concentrations of iron oxide, which is flowing in a stream and threatens to pollute a river much larger which provides drinking water to the populations of five states.

It could take days or even weeks before many bodies are discovered because the mud is several meters deep. Firefighters must work carefully so as not to be trapped in very hostile terrain, AP.

Vale SA, the company that ran and operated the dam, denied that the waste contained high levels of metalsbut experts argue that the environmental impact can be irreversible.

The area has become a sea of ​​mud and debris that can be toxic.
The area has become a sea of ​​mud and debris that can be toxic.

Authorities and environmental groups have begun to badyze the water quality around the mine, while state and federal authorities have do not take it from the Paraopeba River or 100 meters from it.

The environmental situation worries the authorities because, a few kilometers from Brumadinho, there are hundreds of municipalities and cities who receives water from the river Sao Francisco, to which the Paraopeba ends.


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