USA has withdrawn from nuclear treaty with Russia | Mo …


The United States has announced its withdrawal from the historic nuclear-weapons agreement between Russia and the FNI, a milestone of the Cold War. According to the head of state, Donald Trump, Russia would have violated the treaty. Moscow, for its part, denounced the fact that this decision goes against the legal and international obligations of Washington. At the same time, the European Union warned that the withdrawal could trigger a new arms race between the two major nuclear powers.

"The United States will suspend its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty on February 2 due to alleged violations of the treaty by Russia," US Secretary of State Mike said yesterday. Pompeo. a press conference in Washington. The announcement announces a 180-day process in which Northern power will permanently withdraw from the treaty.

However, Trump left the door open to keep his country in the treaty if Russia returned to comply with what had been agreed in the agreement. According to Trump, this would involve the destruction of all missiles, shuttles and badociated equipment that would contravene the 1987 text. "For too long, Russia has violated the INF with impunity, secretly developing and deploying a prohibited missile system. which poses a direct threat to our allies and our troops abroad, "said Trump in a statement. In addition, the president said the US allies in NATO fully support his decision because he understood the threat posed by the violation of Russia and the risks related to arms control ignored the violations of the treaty. "We can not be the only country in the world unilaterally bound to this treaty, nor to any other," said Trump, who has withdrawn from the Convention since joining the White House in 2017, following other international treaties such as the Paris Agreement. . Yesterday, at a meeting with his government, the US president said that he had already begun to develop military response options and that he would work with NATO for his own government. adapt to the new situation generated after the end of the treaty. "We will develop our own military response options and work with NATO, our allies and our partners to deprive Russia of any military advantage arising from its illegal conduct," warned the president.

At the same time, the head of diplomacy noted in a complaint that his country had addressed more than thirty times the problem of alleged violations with Russia. "The violation of Russia puts millions of Europeans and Americans in great danger and seeks to disadvantage the United States militarily and jeopardizes the chances of a better direction of our bilateral relations. ", he added. Since Trump threatened last October to suspend the pact, the United States has had several negotiations with Russia to try to reach an agreement, but the last round ended unsuccessfully Thursday in Moscow.

The two powers accuse each other of violating the treaty which prohibits the two signatory countries to manufacture, deploy or test short-range missiles (500 to 1000 km) and medium-range missiles (1,000 to 5,500 km). An agreement negotiated between former US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to end the dangerous development of nuclear warheads in Europe.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that despite the US accusations, Russia had always been willing to continue the dialogue to save the treaty. "Clearly, the removal of this treaty would have the most negative consequences for global strategic stability," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He also warned that the suspension of the treaty meant that the United States was free from any restrictions and concluded: "In the worst case scenario, 24 Tomohawk cruise missiles currently with nuclear charges may appear on the ground".

For its part, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zajarova, said in a statement to a local TV channel that the fault was not in Moscow and read the Washington decision as a measure of its strategy to abandon its international obligations in different countries. areas.

In Europe, they were also worried about the dissolution of the treaty. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas expressed this point when he said a few days ago that this agreement was an important pillar of the European security architecture over the past 30 years. "For us, in Europe, this is of utmost importance," said Maas, urging Washington to consider the possible consequences of its breakdown of the agreement.

NATO, for its part, urged Russia to return to respect the treaty and blamed it for the impossibility for the two powers to reach an agreement. "If Russia does not fulfill its obligations to the INF Treaty by verifiably destroying all its 9M729 missile systems and returning to full and verifiable compliance before the US withdrawal is effective within six months, only responsible for the end of the treaty, "said the ambbadadors.


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