Guaidó bets on another massive event at the corner of Maduro


Guaidó and his daughter, after the intimidation of Chavismo, yesterday the day before yesterday, in Caracas Source: AFP – Credit: Federico Parra

Encouraged by the support of the international community, the leader of the opposition is seeking unprecedented mobilization to put pressure on Chavez; there are also calls abroad

CARACAS.- "The answer is clear and multiple. [por hoy] we will see him in the streets. "The challenge of the National Assembly of Venezuela, led by the president in charge,

Juan Guaidó,

There are no limits. Not even the geographical ones. Concentrations have been called today across the country and in several countries to put pressure on

Nicolás Maduro

by free elections, a global cry that wants to break all records with Venezuelans as protagonists. The goal is clear: the biggest step in local history for the world is to see that the opposition has regained the support of the population and does not want to lose it.

Venezuelans abroad – about 4 million people have fled the enormous economic and social crisis – will now have the opportunity to reclaim themselves. Calls have multiplied over the hours, looking for a milestone that clearly shows that the majority wants the change of government in Venezuela. This is confirmed by the survey of surveyor Hercón, in which 81.9% recognized Guaidó as president in charge.

In parallel,

The fall in Maduro continues:

According to the same poll, the president only gives confidence to 13.4% of citizens. If elections were held at that time, 77.6% of the population would be inclined to opposition candidates.

January 2019 was won at vertigo rate its place in contemporary Venezuelan history. At full speed since January 4, the Lima group announced that a political earthquake was preparing: 14 of its countries asked the "son of Chávez" to hand over executive power to the National Assembly , dominated by the opposition.

The next day, Guaidó took possession of the presidency of the Venezuelan Parliament with few national reflectors – for censorship – and international – for the end-of-year celebrations -.

From the first minute, they started blinking the rest of the opposition and working behind the scenes of their team. The differences were so numerous that few of them trusted their motivation. "The element that was missing in all this for years was unity and an opposing unitary strategy, consistent steps, for people to feel that they were there," said Felix Seijas, president. from the Delphos poll office.

Source: Reuters – Credit: Carlos García Rawlins

Maduro's autocoronación of 10 January and economic measures of 14 provoked the opposite, a boomerang effect that began to be felt a few hours later, multiplying by four the minimum wage, about six dollars a month. according to the exchange rate of yesterday.

The collateral effects were felt a week later, with the uprising in the working clbad neighborhoods of Caracas and the indignation of the middle clbades.

"A group full of enormous privileges, unable to see the hunger and needs that are perceived in the environment, until the environment, decided, pbades over them. A surprise that gives you life! ", Ironically Piero Trepiccione, thinker close to the Jesuits.

Step by step, international call, Guaidó has recovered the lost ground. In the first "cabildo abierto", street meetings that evoked the independence of Venezuela, 4500 people gathered in Caracas.

Hope seemed to be recovering and the express arrest of the new opposition leader secured it. But he was still missing a lot.

Municipal councils were repeated across the country and here is how the key date was reached: January 23rd. Many opposition leaders did not know it, nor did the diplomatic staff, not even the political police of the government. This was the great advantage for the Speaker of Parliament, who took advantage of his political moment to swear at a huge tide of human – more than a million people – as President in charge of the country. There was no turning back.

"We did not have the information, it surprised many leaders. [Guaidó] This is a very rational man, he is not extremist, he is not crazy, he is not violent. It's a centered person, "revealed the former Venezuelan presidential candidate and opposition

Henrique Capriles

in the last hours.


The United States was the first country to recognize the president in charge, then the Lima group arrived and the European Parliament did it the day before yesterday. "The legitimate president has no power and the other president has no legitimacy, but he has the strength," says Luis Salamanca, former rector of the National Electoral Council.

One country and two presidents, but one of them is entrenched among the military fearing betrayal and another who moves among the clamor of the street. An error after the other of Chavism, starting with the repetition of an error that has long favored: contempt of the rival. Hugo Chávez intensified his control of the country thanks, among other things, to the fact that he was underestimated by the politicians of the so-called Fourth Republic. Now weeks after having despised, calling him a "pajúo boy" [bobo]"Maduro does not even think about repeating it.

"For the first time in three years, the game of chess is played and some progress has been made, but be careful! The short-term commitment has not helped in the past, many risks must still be confronted, the repression can degenerate more ", warns the political scientist. John Magdaleno.

Black clouds of the economy are predicting the worst storms after the US imposed oil embargo, the main customer who paid
money in Caracas. Hence the sale in the United Arab Emirates of 15 tons of gold from the reserves of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) in exchange for euros in cash.

Last December, when a group of MPs, sages and economists presented the opposition plan in a theater in Caracas, the critics were welcomed. Why a plan for the next day did not even happen the day before? Forty days later, Venezuela is another.

China maintains "close contacts with all parties" involved in the Venezuelan crisis "through various channels" and is "ready to work with all parties" to find a solution. Cooperation between the two countries, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, "should not be influenced, no matter how the situation evolves".

The main steps

The opposition has made several mbad demonstrations

The first demonstrations

In the year following the death of Hugo Chávez, the opposition capitalized the discontent caused by the shortage, inflation and insecurity by mbadive marches. the demonstrations, which began on February 12, 2014, then spread for several months; they left 43 dead

"Toma de Caracas"

This first march of September 1, 2016, which would have gathered a million people, was the first request for a referendum on the revocation of the mandate of Nicolás Maduro.

"Mother of the steps"

On April 19, 2017, the largest opposition protest had been held so far, with more than a million participants. the request was that the authority of the National Assembly be respected

Launch of Guaidó

At a gigantic demonstration, which had its aftershocks in several cities of the world, on the 23rd of last month, the Speaker of the National Assembly and Leader of the Opposition, Juan Guaidó, s & d 39; is proclaimed "president in charge". The demonstration was repressed by the regime and left at least 13 dead


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