Nicolás Maduro in his walk of support: "Stop calling the war, in Venezuela, you have won peace" – 02/02/2019


Venezuela's president, Nicolás Maduro, has today led a mbadive march for his regime, in the face of the country's powerful internal tension and at the same time Juan Guaidó, the president in charge, recognized by more than 60 countries, also He has led an impressive mobilization.

"Stop calling the war, stop calling for military intervention, stop supporting a coup that has already failed, fail and do not realize it," Maduro said. "Here is the rule of the Revolution and we will continue to govern." He added.

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The Bolivarian leader spoke directly to the march of opposition that was expressed against his government. "How long will they hurt the country? Enough already of so much damage that they caused to our homeland"he launched and asked Guaidó" to withdraw ".

In addition, Maduro anticipated his idea of ​​taking control of congressional opposition. "Are you asking for early elections? call early elections for the National Assembly. Diosdado (his number 2), we will call the Bolivian open councils to consult the people on the political solution, "he said.

Mature with binoculars. He said that in Venezuela he had won peace. (AP)

Mature with binoculars. He said that in Venezuela he had won peace. (AP)

Beyond accusations of human rights violations, 70 killings of which the opposition speaks and arbitrary detentions of journalists, Maduro said that in his country he had obtained peace.

"We won peace, peace was imposed again, they could not invade Venezuela, we beat them with justice, "he said, and he sent a special message to the armed forces, the main support of the successor regime of Chávez, thanking them for"cohesion"

"The armed forces are more and more loyal, more engaged, and the Bolivarian militia is mobilized, long live the militia!", He launched in the middle of some defections of high foreign military commands. In addition, he promised that "2019 will be the final year of economic recovery".

The pro-Maduro march in Caracas, full of red berets and military uniforms. (AFP)

The pro-Maduro march in Caracas, full of red berets and military uniforms. (AFP)

"Victims of the Ku Klux Klan"

One of the most striking paragraphs of the long speech of the President of Venezuela was the White House and Donald Trump.

"We are victims of the Ku Klux Klan because the White House is run by the Ku Klux Klan," shot down the Bolivarian leader who spoke of a macabre plan of Donald Trump, accused of being at the 39, originated from a coup d'etat against him.

Maduro said: "They will prepare, finance and direct the intervention of Venezuela, they are in favor of the war, I tell you, Mr. Trump, you have been deceived." John Bolton, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo are war-hawks, obsessed with Venezuela. "

"You think that you are the emperor of the world and you know it: Venezuela does not surrender, Venezuela continues, Venezuela is rebellious, sovereign and independent," he said.

Banderas de Chávez and Maduro (AFP)

Banderas de Chávez and Maduro (AFP)

President Chavez again called for dialogue and supported his support for the initiative of Mexico, Uruguay and Bolivia to convene a national table for dialogue between Venezuelans. "Where they want, how they want, when they want, I'm ready to talk," he said.

"In Venezuela, there is only one president, one party, elected by popular vote, in free elections, and this president is this young man, this man on foot, this worker. Nicolás Maduro, I'm president of all Venezuela, Venezuela really, "he said, raising his voice and coordinating a Bolivarian wave among the thousands of people present, as in a football match.


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