The yellow vests are back | More than …


The movement of yellow vests returned yesterday in the streets of France but with a special slogan: denounce the police violence during demonstrations every Saturday. "The problem today is police violence, because it is unbearable, they have forbidden us to demonstrate and they have fired on us for no reason, there is a lot of repression. We are born as a pacifist movement and we do not understand violence, "said Mr. Leduc, one of the members of the Paris demonstration.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, there were 58,600 participants throughout France yesterday, less than the 69,000 on the previous Saturday and at least 30 inmates.

Two and a half months after the beginning of the demonstrations against the social and fiscal policy of the government of Emmanuel Macron, the movement of the vests was called to denounce the aggressiveness of the repressive forces in the use of launchers of defensive bullets and rumble bombs. According to the group "Disarmemosles", 20 people have been wounded in sight since November 17 because of the use of LBD rubber bullets. For its part, the national police opened 116 investigations, including 10 serious eye injuries due to the use of the LBD. "It is intolerable, unacceptable, these are wounds that mutilate, destroy lives, even if we are pacifists," explained Antonio, one of the badistants who also appeared as a victim of 39, an LBD bomb. According to official data, since the beginning of the demonstrations, LBDs have been used more than 9,200 times. And his use against the demonstrators has caused serious injuries, including those that have damaged Jerome Rodrigues, a major member of yellow vests. Despite the denunciations of the movement, the French State Council ruled Friday on the legality of LBD weapons.

In addition to denouncing the disproportionate actions of the forces, the thousands of participants who left yesterday from the Daumesnil metro station to the Plaza de la República, in the center of the capital, have paid tribute to the wounded in recent weeks. Rodrigues, one of the movement's symbols since he claimed to have been wounded in the right eye by a police shot, joined the protest between the activists' ovations. Downloaded on a platform called for the resignation of the French president. Another of the leaders of the movement, the truck driver Eric Drouet, was also present. "Rubber bullets are not used properly, so we want them to be banned (…) We want to highlight the wounded in this event, because the media ignores them," said Drouet, who believes to more than 100 the number of people wounded in the eye, shot by the police, some irreversible injuries. "The state has left them in a total abandonment," said the 30-year-old, who was involved in the organization of the first major national demonstration of the movement on 17 November. Since then, many violent clashes took place during the marches and the most famous is that of December 2, during the looting of the Arc de Triomphe.

The mobilization of yesterday coincided with the presentation of several members who claim to be yellow jackets in the May European elections. Drouet, a regular televised debater set up as a militant figure for his arrest in early January, said the lists presented are not representative of the movement. "We are not in this debate to introduce ourselves or not to the Europeans.These lists have all the freedom to present themselves as individuals, but not with the name of" yellow vest ", which is why we asked them to delete this name, "said Drouet.


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