Gerardo Morales published the expenses of the Argentine interned in Bolivia


February 3, 2019
– 11:02

In a hard message, the governor of Jujuy presented the complete list with a toilet paper and a soap

The head of the province issued a hard message on his social networks, saying: "The payment of all medical services performed by Jujuy Manuel Vilca in the country chaired by Evo Morales represents 22,000 Bolivian pesos paid to the Oruro public hospital, plus US $ 7,000 paid to the CBBA II clinic in Cochabamba.


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In addition, he has attached to his publication more than 50 pages with the vouchers issued to the musician Jujuy victim of an accident in the neighboring country. The list of expenses shows the detailed report of the items used, with some unexpected charges: a roll of toilet paper, a thermometer, a shampoo, a comb and even a soap.

Morales also shared a detailed letter sent to the Minister of Health of Bolivia,Gabriela Montaño Viaña, where she asks that the neighboring country refund the money of the victim.

For all these expenses, you must also take into account the fact that the provincial government had to pay 2,000 US dollars for the man to be released and repatriated in a medical plane.

To integrate

This letter that I sent to the Minister of Health of Bolivia, requesting that, on the basis of the principles of equality and reciprocity, Manuel Vilca be reimbursed for all the costs he incurred to access the services. of the country he chairs @evoespueblo.

– Gerardo Morales (@ MoralesGerardo1) February 2, 2019


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