Nicolás Maduro, Mauricio Macri: "Put yourself on the skates because he will no longer be president this year"


He also addressed Donald Trump and said: "You make mistakes that will stain your hands with blood" Credit: Screen Capture

In the middle of


who hits


, President

Nicolás Maduro

gave an interview to the Spanish TV show
The sixth There, the journalist Jordi Evole asked him what he would say to the various world leaders when he had them in front of him. When the turn came for the Argentine president,

Mauricio Macri

, the Venezuelan was powerful: "In Macri … It puts the skates because it comes out of the presidency this year".

He also addressed the American president,

Donald Trump

, to whom he said: "Stop there … You make mistakes that will stain your hands with blood". "The United States wants to return to the twentieth century with military coups, puppet governments subordinated to their commanders and the looting of our natural resources, which is unachievable." Latin America and the Caribbean can no longer be the backyard of the United States. "In addition, Maduro said to have" more evidence "that Trump wants to kill him." The attack against me, from August 4 with drones, was allowed to the White House and was followed there. This attack was launched to physically eliminate me. "

At the beginning of the meeting, Évole told him that he felt "privileged" to have this meeting and added: "More than any of my fellow students who are being detained or expelled from their country these days". Maduro denied that this was the case and stated that it was "montages". He then criticized "the campaign of permanent wear that makes Venezuela look like a monster or a dictatorship". "In the full exercise of freedom of expression, there is great manipulation of all international news agencies and media outside Venezuela."

"To a large extent, I think what is going on in Venezuela is a miracle – submit to the pressures and threats of Western power, be at peace in Venezuela, be at war in Venezuela and go ahead. before, it will be a great victory of the truth, "he said.

The reporter then asked him if he had thought of "leaving". "Where do you go?" Maduro replied, adding, "Why did the people elect me for 6 years?" Évole insisted and asked if, because of the convulsion in which lies the country, he had thought that it might be good for him to leave. "I think the good thing for the country is that the Constitution and the will of the Venezuelans are respected.I am the first to do it.I vowed to respect and implement the Constitution and the national will. , and that's what I should do: fulfill my duty. "

Although Maduro felt that the country's situation "is not going to end badly," he said that he was baduming all his responsibility "for better or for worse". The president did not rule out that this would lead to a civil war, but added that "it depends on the level of madness and aggressiveness of the northern empire and its western allies".

"The people are arming themselves," Maduro said. The Spanish recalled that Hugo Chávez, at the time of his accession to power, had declared "never again guns, never again violence". The Venezuelan has said that his country is "preparing to defend the right to peace". "I'm afraid of what Mr. Maduro says," interrupted Évole. "Thousands of innocent Venezuelans can pay with their lives."

Maduro shot: "We will not deliver Venezuela." To avoid "pouring blood", the journalist spoke of the alternative proposed by the European Union to convene presidential elections. "We do not accept" ultimatums "from anyone," replied the interviewee.

"Are you afraid of losing the presidential elections?" Consulted the Spanish, and Maduro replied: "I do not refuse to summon them, there will be elections in 2024. We do not care at all about this. that Europe says Venezuela, from Europe that is responsible for problems such as unemployment, economic growth or migration ". In addition, he said he was "calm with his conscience".

About the Leader of the Opposition,

Juan Guaidó

, opined: "It's a self-proclaimed joke, it has no constitutional basis." After stating that "there is only one president", he felt that the young "is not allowed to badume the maximum of the country's investiture. ", adding:" Only the people choose and only the people removes ".

In addition, Évole asked "Why do you consider that Guaidó gives a coup d'etat if there has been no violence or military uprising?". On this notion of "coup d'etat", the journalist continued: "You talk about Leopoldo López's coup d'etat, but he commemorates every year Hugo Chávez's 1992 coup. " Although Maduro stated that "what happened in '92 was an exceptional circumstance, it was a bolivarian military insurrection," he said that there should be no "never again insurrections nor blows".

Finally, Maduro denied the existence of a "humanitarian crisis". "It has a policy of social protection but does not allow it to relieve the wounds of the economic war," he said, saying that "many people who have left Venezuela have been deceived, leave with a hope that is a wrong vision.


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