Eye-catching poll: Venezuela narrows gap between voters of K and those of Cambiemos – 04/02/2019


An international seat seems to have reached the impossible (or almost): to break at least part of the crack between the voters of Cambiemos and Kirchnerism. The political miracle achieved by Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world and an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. With nuances in percentages and fashions, supporters of Mauricio Macri and those of Cristina Kirchner are far from Nicolás Maduro's regime.

The conclusion comes from a consultant's work D & # 39; Alessio-IROL / Berenszteinwhich systematically measures the management of the national government, key pro-government figures and the opposition, and generally separates work on issues such as Venezuela. On this occasion, at the end of January, he surveyed 800 cases nationwide.

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The investigation was based on a basic consultation whose purpose was foreseeable: 93% Argentines (respondents) felt that the "Democracy is better than authoritarianism". But with the remaining 7%, who opted for a totalitarian model, the consultant made a second cut and asked him if he preferred a government. "like Cuba or Venezuela". Only 7% chose this option: none among the voters of Cambiemos and 17% among the K. That is, even Kirchnerists who prefer an authoritarian regime do not see the Venezuelan variant as a good option. Maduro did it.

Another point that seems to deepen the Differences Between the Political Discourse of Kirchner's Leaders and Their Supporters This is related to the attitude that should adopt Argentina. "He believes that the position of the government of Macri in the face of the crisis in Venezuela must be …", is the trigger and puts the options "intervene" / "do not intervene". The results reveal few differences between the voters of the two poles of crack: 71% of macristas require intervention against 60% of K.

The nuances appear, of course, in the type of intervention suggested by each group. There is four variants with different results:

"Demanding respect for human rights through diplomatic channels"they choose it 68% of voters in Cambiemos and 19% of K.

"Promoting effective political dialogue between Chavistas and the opposition": 33% of voters will change, 50% of voters K.

"To actively demand that Maduro release political prisoners": 57% Change the voters, 8% the voters K.

"Activate the actions of the OAS that finally separate Venezuela from this organization of American states": 41% Change voters, 5% K voters.

Returning to Argentina, there are also general coincidences about "Most important achievement of this period of democracy" in the country. The main options chosen by both voters are "Eradication of military coups" (46% for macristas, 61% for K) and "freedom of expression" (35% macristas and 20% k).


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