Lima group calls on Venezuelan armed forces to show loyalty to Juan Guaidó


The Lima group on Monday urged the Venezuelan armed forces to show "loyalty" to the head of the Venezuelan Parliament, Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president on 23 January. They also asked to ignore President Nicolás Maduro and demanded "a peaceful change of government".

"We call on the Venezuelan National Armed Forces to express their loyalty to the President in charge, and we urge them not to hinder the entry and transit of humanitarian aid to Venezuelans," the Group said. Lima at the end of his term. emergency meeting.

In a statement published in Ottawa, Canada, eleven of the 14 members of the bloc (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru) reiterated their support "for a peaceful transition process by political and diplomatic means without resorting to force ".

During the meeting of the Lima group on the Venezuelan crisis, a video was published in which Guaidó asked to press for the Maduro exit: "It is time to continue and increase the pressure, it is necessary to direct the mechanisms to use the usurpation "

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) February 4, 2019

On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced at the opening of the meeting the grant of $ 53 million Canadian (about $ 39 million) humanitarian aid to Venezuelans. Trudeu explained that the badistance will be intended to "cover basic needs most affected, including immigrants and refugees. "

Of this amount, $ 13.3 million will go to "governments affected by migration so that they can absorb the burden of providing services to the growing population".

In the final declaration, the Lima group reiterated its "recognition and support "in Guaidó as president in charge of Venezuela and called on the international community to bring him "his most powerful support for the establishment of a democratic transition government in Venezuela".

The countries that make up the Lima group.
The countries that make up the Lima group.

The Lima group also condemned "the persistent and serious violations of human rights perpetrated in Venezuela" and rejected "acts of violence and repression of popular demonstrations organized by the security forces".

On the other hand, the alliance urged the international community to prevent "(Nicolás) Maduro's regime from conducting financial and commercial transactions abroad, to access its international badets and to do business in the fields of oil and gold ".

Coalition did not approachhowever, the possibility of a military intervention in Venezuela, according to statements by the British Minister of Europe and the United States, Alan Duncan, who attended the meeting.

News in development being updated.


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