How was the accident in which John F. Kennedy Jr died, compared to that of Emiliano Sala – 04/02/2019


The investigation into the disappearance of footballer Emiliano Sala and the subsequent discovery in the English Channel of the plane in which he was flying generate many hypotheses about the causes of the accident. One of them links this tragedy to that of John Kennedy Jr, businessman and son of the former president. John F. Kennedy, who died in 1999.

John F. Kennedy Jr. was 38 when he died in a plane crash. (Photo: AFP)

John F. Kennedy Jr. was 38 when he died in a plane crash. (Photo: AFP)

In a recent interview with Clarín, Juan del Azar, aviation expert, discusses the phenomenon of "spatial disorientation". "There is a famous accident, that of John Kennedy Jr, in which something like that happened. When a person is in a cloud, if he looks out the window, he becomes disoriented. Then he must know how to fly the plane by only looking at the instruments, "Azar said.

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The tragedy to which he refers had an impact on the international press when the news was published in 1999. On July 16, John John (as he was calling) had decided to take his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette (34 years old), on her Piper Saratoga aircraft, to the exclusive Martha & seaside resort. Vineyard. in Mbadachusetts, then with his wife Carolyn (33), in Hyannis Port, to attend the wedding of her cousin Rory (one of Robert Kennedy's daughters).

Piper Saratoga: This model plane is the one piloted by John John Kennedy at his death in 1999 (AP).

Piper Saratoga: This model plane is the one piloted by John John Kennedy at his death in 1999 (AP).

"Whenever we want to go somewhere, all we have to do, is to take the plane," said the president's son proudly, murdered in 1963. he had obtained his pilot's license in 1998.

Newsweek Magazine has dedicated a special edition to the death of the son of the former President of the United States. (Photo: AP)

Newsweek Magazine has dedicated a special edition to the death of the son of the former President of the United States. (Photo: AP)

That day, John John, 38 years old, he was driving the plane, which took off at 8:38 pm from Fairfield Airport, New Jersey. However, five hours later, when the plane did not reach its destination, the family members who were waiting for it began to worry and they called the coast guard.

Cover of Time magazine in memory of John F. Kennedy Jr., after the crash of his plane: (Photo: AP)

Cover of Time magazine in memory of John F. Kennedy Jr., after the crash of his plane: (Photo: AP)

The last contact he had with the control tower was at 9:39 pm. So, silence. Coordinated by the US Air Force, the search included a fleet of 15 Coast Guard vessels and ships, who started following the entire coastline from New Jersey to Mbadachusetts.

In 2004, John John Kennedy's search operations included a fleet of 15 Coast Guard vessels and ships. (Photo: AP)

In 2004, John John Kennedy's search operations included a fleet of 15 Coast Guard vessels and ships. (Photo: AP)

At that time, the media had supposed John John wanted to land at Marthas Vineyard Airport (which is a small island). the earth has been confused with the sea in the middle of the closed night. L & # 39; plane he fell into a fall and his three occupants died instantly when he crashed into the ocean.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy with his son John John at the White House.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy with his son John John at the White House.

After several days of research, the remains of the plane were found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, after tourists found a suitcase belonging Lauren Besette on the beach of Philbin, one of the beaches of the vineyard of Marthas.

The remains of the plane John F. Kennedy Jr. Piper Saratoga were found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. (Photo: AP)

The remains of the plane John F. Kennedy Jr. Piper Saratoga were found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. (Photo: AP)

One year after the accident, in July 2000, the National Transportation Safety Council (NTSB) confirmed suspicions: the fall of the aircraft was produced by "The inability of the pilot to control the plane during a night descent" and rushed into the water, leaving aside the conspiracy theories They had appeared as a member of the Kennedy family, one of the most famous dynasties of the United States.

Once the news of his death was known, tributes were paid in several parts of the United States in memory of John Jonh. (Photo: AFP)

Once the news of his death was known, tributes were paid in several parts of the United States in memory of John Jonh. (Photo: AFP)

The explanation what they found was the same that is mixed now compared to what happened to Sala: spatial disorientation, A problem that pilots suffer when they lose the exact knowledge of their position relative to the surface of the Earth.

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The truth is that John John's death has added one more chapter to the curse that flew over the Kennedy family. Robert, younger brother of John F. Kennedy and the Attorney General of the United States, was murdered in 1968. Two other brothers also experienced a tragic death: David died of a heroin overdose in 1984 and Michael died in 1997 in a skiing accident. .


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