Strong crossing on television: Grabois gets angry when asked about the crisis in Venezuela


The social leader took part in a march for President Nicolás Maduro

The social leader

Juan Grabois

participated this afternoon in the march for

Nicolás Maduro,

UBA Law School, but avoided speaking of the crisis in


during an interview with
Afternoon coffee, in

LN +.

"It is impossible that a resolution has been found in a polarized society I am against the countries that are only looking to stay with the oil.We think the right position is the dialogue, because otherwise a war can be reached, "he said.

However, when the journalist Eleonora Cole asked her if she thought that there existed a rule of law in Venezuela, Grabois refused to answer and avoided talking about the crisis in this country.

"I have a neutral position, I'm just walking for peace and dialogue," he said.

Then, he made a hard crossing with the driver, who asked him to answer if he was in favor of

Juan Guaidó,

the leader of the opposition proclaimed the internal president of Venezuela.


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