Scandalous: they rolled their baby in the air just for a tip


February 5, 2019

Images can affect the sensitivity of people. The Russian couple improvised a show on the street with their baby barely 4 months old.

A scandalous video of a baby started circulating this week via WhatsApp and social networks. However, images of the same source of indignation and sadness among users.

A Russian couple was arrested after putting on an impromptu show in the middle of Kuala Lumpur Street. There is nothing strange there, but what surprised everyone was that to finance their trip, they started to revoke their baby for 4 months by plane.

baby turns

After this minute, more than criticized, both were arrested by the Malaysian police, according to local press. On Monday, after receiving several complaints, police arrested the couple for what happened in the popular tourist area, according to the newspaper. L & # 39; star

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"We travel around the world", does one of the posters on the floor reflect, while the music begins to ring. There, the man takes his baby by the feet and begins to move him from several sides, swing it and throw it in the air as if it was not dangerous at all.

Mazlam Lazim, the police chief of Kuala Lumpur, presented the excuse given by the tourists: according to the couple, aged 28 and 27, they did it because it was a exercise for the baby who, according to the agent, is safe and without injuries.

When the show took place, dozens of people approached this couple, but to repudiate what was happening, take out their mobile phone and broadcast these images.

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