Outrageous: Depraved raped two minors and the judge blamed them | Chronic


A Leavenworth County Court Judge (Kansas, USA) said two teens aged 13 and 14 were partly responsible for the badual abuse of a 67-year-old man while on their way to jail. Address the aggressor alone and accepted the money in exchange for badual favors. Even one of them would have voluntarily removed his clothes. On the basis of this argument, the magistrate reduced the sentence of the accused despite criticism from prosecutors and lawyers, local media reported on Sunday.

The judge Michael Gibbens condemned Raymond Soden Five years and ten months in prison, after confirming that the man had sent requests to minors via Facebook, offering them money in exchange for badual favors and pictures of their naked bodies. However, the sentence was 8 years lower than the required sentence.

"I consider the victims of this case to be more of a delinquent than a participant in the criminal behavior"said Gibbens before giving his final opinion. "They were certainly selling things that go against the law and that even an adult sells"added the judge.

According to the prosecutor Todd Thompsonthe defendant already had two criminal convictions: one for badault and the other for badual abuse. Therefore, taking into account the basis of his criminal record, the prosecutors asked for a sentence of more than 13 years in prison, while his lawyer requested a conditional release, according to the website. news.rt.com.

"These girls are minors and are the victims, not the aggressors"he says for his part Michelle Herman, president of Sunflower House, a foundation against child abuse. "No matter what the girls did or did not do, he is still the adult and no one deserves to be badually abused", he added.

The judge's comments have raised serious concerns among authorities and advocates for child victims. In this regard, the Deputy District Attorney, Joan LowdonHe questioned the magistrate's comments and indicated that it was possible to appeal to correct the verdict.


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