He entered to steal a funeral home and had sex with a corpse



The funeral home where the young man came in to steal and had bad with the corpse.

The funeral home where the young man came in to steal and had bad with the corpse.

On November 11, the accused pleaded guilty of badual penetration into a body in a funeral home in Birmingham. The corpse of the woman was found out of the coffin, lying on the floor. The researchers then found several DNA samples and traces on the body that corroborated the case of necrophilia.

The young he had profaned the nine coffins that were at the burial and admitted to entering with intent to commit robbery.

During the trial, the convict stated that I had drunk vodka and used drugs. He was arrested because when he left the funeral home, he set off an alarm.

His lawyer, Joseph Keating, said Khuram was "deeply sorry." But for the families of the victims, it's a monster" who broke their hearts


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