Argentina again dominates the ranking of debt in the region and doubles the average


This stems from the "Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean" presented by Cepal a few days ago. According to this document, "at the country level, the case of Argentina is remarkable, which has increased its debt level by 20 percentage points of GDP between 2017 and the second quarter of 2018."

This report, which only takes into account the first disbursement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), In the first half of last year, Argentina's debt level stood at 77.4% of GDP, nearly twice the regional average.

In 2018, the debt-to-GDP ratio was 86%, more than double the regional average.

In addition to being the most indebted country in the region, it is also the one that has been indebted at a faster rate over the last three years, and especially the last. Since Macri's arrival at Casa Rosada, the level of debt has almost doubled. According to CEPAL, it went from 53.3% of GDP at the end of 2015 to 77.4% in mid-2018 and to 86% in December, according to data from the Debt Observatory. the Institute of Labor and the Economy of the Foundation. Germán Abdala (ITE-FGA).

By case, in the same period, Bolivia's debt barely increased by 1.2 percentage points of its GDP, barely 2.7 points in Uruguay and 2.4 points in Chile.

Ecuador was the second most indebted country in the last three years, with its debt-to-GDP ratio rising by 8.1 percentage points. Even in this case, the debt ratio of Argentina has tripled that of Ecuador.

Argentina's debt increased by more than 20 points between 2017 and the middle of 2018, followed by far by Colombia (3.3 points) and Brazil (3.2 points). In the region, this advance is only 1.5 points.

The level of public debt in Brazil reached 77.2% of GDP, while Paraguay has the lowest public debt in the region, 16.2% of GDPfollowed by Peru (20.4%) and Chile (23.7%).


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