Macri's confession about his father's health


President Mauricio Macri said this afternoon that his father, businessman Franco Macri, was prostrate a year ago with a few moments of lucidity.

During a conversation with the philosopher Alejandro Rozitchner, the president acknowledged that Franco was in a delicate state of health. When asked about his relationship with death, Macri replied "I hope to get a quick death". I would not want to be trapped in the life of my father who is here, but he is not there. If you have a moment of lucidity, you must have a bad time. "

In his statements, collected by the TN portal, Macri also recalled the last dialogue with his father: "He told me to give him a little pill to get him out of there, I told him that it was not a good thing. was not possible, "said the president. "I have finished, I have nothing to do, I rely on the badistance of a third party for everything," replied the business man. "I can not, dad, you can not," closed the president.

Macri also broke down when he talked about some of his friends who died last time. He said that they were "suddenly" and, with tears in his eyes, he stated that they "had made him cry a lot". "But they've made me believe that was the case, it's enough to dramatize, it's not the poor who died, but those who stay, such as couples and children" , did he declare.

The president also badured that he was not celebrating his birthday nearly 10 years ago and that he only held a few informal meetings because it was "very complicated" to implement "obligations" in as head of state.



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