Who is Luis Rodríguez, the judge who received bribes from Daniel Muñoz


Judge Luis Rodríguez

The widow of Daniel Muñoz,
Carolina Pochetti,
He admitted that former private secretary Néstor Kirchner paid a bribe to federal judge Luis Rodríguez in exchange for his benefit in court.

As detailed, in front of the prosecutor

Carlos Stornelli

, her husband spent a million dollars to give the magistrate, through an intermediary who appears among the accused by

the notebooks of the bribes

, also from Daniel Muñoz's environment.

Luis Rodríguez belongs to the last group of judges of first instance who arrived at Comodoro Py. He was appointed seven years ago and had decisive support: the Auditor General of the Nation, Javier Fernandez, a man close to the former head of the spies.

Jaime Stiuso.

Fernandez had a huge influence on the selection of judges throughout most of Kirchner. In addition to being a close friend for years of Rodriguez, he is the godfather of his daughter. Today, along with the loss of power from his mentor, Rodriguez has opened more and more fronts at Comodoro Py for his performance in cases involving former Kirchner officials.

Thus, although in Rodriguez 's environment, they dismissed Pochetti' s accusation and considered it an "informal" complaint, Judge Rodríguez benefited the Muñoz couple in two cases.

The first case occurred in July 2015, when he dismissed the case as part of the investigation into the statements of former Kirchner secretary, Miriam Quiroga, who reportedly saw his colleague carry money bags for his boss. But Rodriguez intervened again in another case after LA NACION revealed that the former private secretary had appeared in the Panama Papers and had also favored the defendants with key decisions.

Despite repeated requests from Prosecutor Stornelli to arrest Pochetti, the judge accepted a request for a waiver of detention from the defense of Muñoz's widow. While the magistrate badured them the freedom, the environment of the former private secretary of Néstor Kirchner had displaced the 70 million US dollars that were abroad. They sold the properties through a vanguard group, all of which are now under investigation by the courts.

Rodriguez was appointed a federal judge of first instance in 2012. His arrival at Comodoro Py was injured. He was suspected of having misled the review of the Judicial Council. Twelve days before the trial, they called another court in her courtroom to request a copy of a judgment very similar to that which had finally been delivered (which was, in theory, a surprise) . When
THE NATION He made the fact known, Rodriguez denied asking or asking someone to ask for one, but one of his officials then said the opposite. However, the Council's investigation was closed and an open and closed case by Judge María Servini.

Despite suspicions, Rodríguez was appointed judge following an agreement between Macrismo and Kirchnerism. Then, the macrismo is interested in the contest being unlocked. This allowed Norberto Oyarbide to be removed from the cause of espionage, which he subrogated, during the trial of Mauricio Macri. However, today, the ruling party looks at Mr. Rodriguez with suspicion.


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