They will come back to denounce Judge Luis Rodríguez before the judiciary – 07/02/2019


MPs Paula Oliveto and Juan Manuel López will widen this Friday their complaint against Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez before the Council of Justice on the basis of revelations that he would have received a bribe for the benefit of the widow of the former private secretary of Néstor Kirchner, Daniel Muñoz.

Federal Judge Luis Rodriguez. Photo: Pedro Lázaro Fernández

Federal Judge Luis Rodriguez. Photo: Pedro Lázaro Fernández

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This is the widow of Munoz, Carolina Pochetti, who said that in her statement of "repentant", in the so-called cause of the notebooks in recent weeks, according to The nation.

Oliveto and López, two of the legal swords of Elisa Carrió, had denounced Rodriguez last year. for having favored Muñoz and Pochetti in their resolutions.

Pochetti is accused of having laundered $ 73 million in the United States by buying various properties with money purporting to be the proceeds of bribes on which Judge Claudio Bonadio investigated in the case of notebooks.

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With other defendants, Pochetti and his lawyer, Miguel Plo, who allegedly paid Judge Rodriguez the bribe, are given a similar maneuver to the one that ends today with the release of the eldest son of Lázaro Báez, also arrested, who hides the goods through purchases and financial movements.

The extension of the complaint originally lodged by Carrió, Oliveto and López will fall to the Discipline and Prosecution Commission of the Judicial Council, chaired since last year by the Senator justicialist Miguel Pichetto, one of the presidential candidates for the federal alternative space. .

The Panama Papers revealed the fortune managed by Muñoz and his collaborators. Despite the numerous documents revealed, the Rodriguez case had not progressed until it had been withdrawn by the Federal Chamber under the impetus of Prosecutor Carlos. stornelli

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