the plan to avoid union resistance


Thursday will be the first meeting of the expert committee to finalize the initial projects. They are added "bold" and develop puja in the secretariat of the work

The government will launch next Thursday the Labor Advisory Council to revive the labor reform and avoid a new resistance to the revision of collective agreements led by the trade unions and the hard unionism led by Hugo Moyano.

This is the new strategy advocated by the Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica, with the dual objective of developing the work projects developed by the previous management of Jorge Triaca and, at the same time, show a sign of support for the changes requested by the IMF, with a view to a new mission of the organization which will arrive this Monday in Buenos Aires to define a new disbursement of 11 billion dollars.

The group of experts chaired by Julio Simón, former president of the working group on the gastronomic Luis Barrionuevo and the metallurgical union UOM, will notably have the task of advising Sica on the system of employment contracts, local and global trends At work. conflicts, as well as in employment and training plans.

He will be joined by retired magistrates, renowned academics and lawyers from the private and labor sectors, a move that has already begun to gain the support of the business community, such as Dialogue Unionisme. and labor justice.

In this way, the Minister will seek to neutralize the difficulties encountered by the sectoral tables in recent weeks. Textiles, Metallurgy, Truckers and Cascading Marine Unions to Kick Board, opposing a series of changes.

They include the reduction of the compensation system, the reduction of the bonus, the flexibilisation of the working day and the modification of the categories and wage structures, among other things that had already been envisaged at the time by the severe reform. implemented in Brazil. .

The official regime provided that in exchange for an amendment to the agreements, the companies would undertake to maintain employment at Vaca Muerta or to make salary improvements in paritarias, the route taken by Captains from overseas.

But the Textile Workers' Association (AOT) denounced last week that this initiative represents a "hidden" reform of the Employment Contracts Act, similar to projects currently blocked in the Senate. The reaction was quickly followed by other trade badociations and chambers of commerce in the sector, which were more concerned about the lack of measures to reactivate the internal market.

Faced with this unfavorable scenario, the Council of Notables chaired by Simon will meet up to twice every 15 days to prepare non-binding opinions.

One of his main tasks will be to generate proposals to improve the legislative projects presented at the time by Triaca, whose team was swept aside last week, a sign of urgency for Sica to progress in the reorganization. of the world of work. , now headed by Lucas Fernandez Aparicio.

As you may have known iProfessionnel, within the Consultative Body recognize that initiatives addressed to the Senate have serious technical.

This is the case of the Work Stoppage Fund, a compulsory contribution that the employer must pay monthly to replace the severance pay and which resulted in the rejection of the costs of implementing this. mechanism in companies with more than 1,000 employees. currently in force in construction.

They would also look at the changes to "inalienability" established by Section 12 of the Employment Contracts Act, which authorized the voluntary loss of benefits recognized by the project legislation. In fact, these suggestions have already been incorporated into a DNU project that has been circulating since last year within the executive.

"Mini Moncloa"

With no rebound in consumption and activity indicators in red for the recession (the sector fell by nearly 15% in December and the construction of 20% in December), the government is betting that the reform of the labor force Work reduces recruitment costs and disengagement to promote "employability" during an election year that however began with the closure and layoff of companies.

According to the labor data published last November, 170,000 registered jobs were lost in 2018.

In the last few hours, the conflict with Vaca Muerta's private oil tankers has been compounded by the rejection of the suspensions applied by major companies in response to the official decision to reduce gas subsidies at the Neuquén deposit.

The manpower crisis has also affected Tierra del Fuego, where the unions in the sector were strong yesterday against the layoffs and suspensions in the electronics factories. , affected by the devaluation and opening up of imports.

"It is advisable for this team of notables and experts to advise the minister and his team on everything he does in terms of work, reflecting on a strategic program to improve the quality of the work. Employment, "explained Sica. iProfessionnel.

Conflict is another axis of the work program. In May, the president appointed by decree a committee of guarantees to define In this case, an activity may be considered an essential service in the context of a collective labor dispute and, consequently, its performance must be guaranteed, thus limiting the right to strike.

But the increasing demands of dismissal and dismissal in recent weeks have led the Ministry of Production and Labor to speed up recourse to compulsory conciliation, as claimed by the UIA. This was the case of the strike launched in January by the Latam aerospace guilds and maritime guilds in the maritime transport sector.

Sica's new strategy also has a political objective: the council will serve to forge new alliances with the union sphere, where it considers the sectoral tables as a maneuver aimed at draining the power of the CGT..

"We all know each other, it's an interesting tool, it's not the Moncloa Pact, but if you bring together all the sectors that want to swap positions, you'll temper some, it's easier to have one. space of this type than to launch a sectoral project. " sector, "he said iProfessionnel a man from the work center with the arrival at the advisory body.

In Azopardo, they even called this initiative "Moncloa de técnicos", in reference to the tripartite agreements concluded in Spain in 1977 after the dictatorship of Franco. Among other changes, recognition of freedom of badociation, lower wages and more flexible working conditions have been made possible.

The official interest of the reconstruction of the bridges with the syndicalism was reflected in the team of adhonorem appointed by Sica, which will be integrated, inter alia, by Abel Nicolás de Manuele, legal advisor of the UPCN of Santa Fe and, like Simón, defender of the model of "trade union unity", which recognizes only one union per branch of activity.

The incorporation of the CGT's lawyers belonging to the "independents" and the "fat", sectors that have the most weight in the central union, is not excluded, while the CTA opposition lawyer, led by Hugo Yasky, Hector García, declined the invitation to the personal reasons.

The entrepreneurial sector will be represented by Juan José Etala, a historical UIA member with the arrival of the President, who is also part of the guarantee committee; and Carlos Marcelo José Aldao Zapiola, Employers' delegate at the ILO, former director of the United States Chamber of Commerce. (Amcham) and former director of Fortabat, Revlon and Jonh Deer.

At this table will also be sitting the excellent Labor unionist excamarista and former Labor leader, Miguel Angel Maza, as well as Leonardo Jesús Ambesi, former SRT NCO, former director of legal affairs under the administration of Carlos Tomada at the Ministry of Labor of the time and trade union adviser. Suterh goalkeepers, led by the owner of PJ Victor Santamaría of Buenos Aires.

A look at the IMF and domestic politics

The launch of the council coincides with IMF recommendations. In several documents released last year, the agency had asked to seek the "consensus" to advance the reform of work and pensions.

The director of the Western Hemisphere Department, Alejandro Werner, raised this issue on January 25 on the Fund's blog, where he said that "inflation and inflation expectations are at the decline since October, and all indications are that continue to decline slowly in 2019 ", but opened a question: "The general elections to be held in 2019 could reduce the appetite for reform."

For the time being, Sica's decision to turn to specialists for advice on matters within the Labor Secretariat has once again brought the trainee's attention to Alem headquarters at 650.

The surprise resolution 60/2019 published last Tuesday has been read in some official offices as a new attempt to mark the pace in front of Aparicio.

The man of Transport Minister Guillermo Dietrich had expanded his powers in recent days with the appointment of his advisers Federico Schaer and Alfredo Zaglio Zamudio, respectively responsible for dialogue with business leaders and trade unionists.

In both cases, they are men related to Dietrich: the first comes from Vialidad Nacional, an organization dependent on this portfolio, and was a lawyer of the Funes de Rioja study; the second is currently on the payroll of the Labor Relations Unit of the same department.

But although the rearrangements seemed to prove that the Secretary of Labor had been landed successfully, Sica retains control of work dependency.

He commands through his secretary for the coordination of production and labor, Rodrigo Sbarra, and has the eyes of his secretary for productive transformation, Paula Szenkman, who, after absorbing the secretariat of labor statistics , participated last Tuesday in the presentation of the recording. budding women to the bus driver on the 18th floor of Alem, just a few chairs from Aparicio.

The secretariat of labor administrative coordination, led by Dr. Sebastián Bideberrepi, is Sica's other main lever.

The official was director of the administration of the Patent Institute (INPI) in the orbit of Production, having crossed the industry during the brief management of his mother, Mirta Díaz , to the undersecretary of this portfolio headed by Debora Giorgi, and after being under-secretary to the health of Intendant K Julio Pereyra.

The new director of labor relations, Claudia Marcello, has also replaced Mercedes Gadea in this position.

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