Diario Extra – Trump announces second place at the top with Kim Jong-un


Washington. (EFE) – The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced Friday that its second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will take place in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, on the previously indicated dates of 27-28 February.

"My representatives have just left North Korea after a very productive meeting and an agreement on the place and date of the second summit with Kim Jong-un," the US president said on his Twitter account.

"It will take place," he added, "in Hanoi, Vietnam, on February 27 and 28. I hope to see Kim Jong-un and advance the cause of peace!"

In another message, Trump He said that "under the leadership of Kim Jong-un, North Korea will become a great economic power."

"Maybe (Kim Jong-un) will surprise some, but it will not surprise me, because I've been able to meet him and I understand how good he is, North Korea will become a type of different rocket: economical! " added the US president.

The details of the summit announced today Trump they were accepted by the US special envoy. for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, with his counterpart, Kim Hyok-chol, in Pyongyang.

Biegun went to Pyongyang Wednesday after pbading through Seoul, where he met with South Korean security officials.

The one in Hanoi will be the second summit organized by Kim Jong-un and Trump after the one held last June in Singapore, where they agreed to work for the denuclearization of North Korea in exchange for Washington, guaranteeing the continuity of the government that controls this country.

The dialogue between the two countries is considered blocked since this meeting in Singapore.

Trump has already presented this second summit with Kim Jong-un this Tuesday during his speech on the state of the nation Trump as part of a "bold new diplomacy" with which his government embarked on a "historic quest for peace on the Korean peninsula".

"If they had not elected me president of the United States, at the moment, in my opinion, we would be in a huge war with North Korea, with millions of people potentially killed, "said the president.


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