Some 45,000 people marched in Madrid to protest against the Spanish government – 02/10/2019


About 45,000 people, according to Spanish police, concentrated this Sunday in Madrid to protest against the socialist government's policy in the Catalan crisis and call for early elections, convened by the center-right opposition, to which the right party Vox joined.

Already under the slogan "For a united Spain, elections already!", The protesters, accompanied by thousands of Spanish flags, focused on the central square of Colón, which was attended by leaders of the Conservative People's Party (PP), P. and Citizens (liberals), Albert Rivera, who was joined by the president of the far right Vox, Santiago Abascal.

The leader of the citizens, Albert Rivera, along with the writer Mario Vargas Llosa (2nd), at the rally convened by PP, Ciudadanos and VOX this Sunday in the Plaza de Colón de Madrid (EFE).

The leader of the citizens, Albert Rivera, along with the writer Mario Vargas Llosa (2nd), at the rally convened by PP, Ciudadanos and VOX this Sunday in the Plaza de Colón de Madrid (EFE).

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Married, in statements to the press, denounced the "socialist capitulation" and the "agreements under the table" that, according to him, the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez has developed, for which he insisted to request a general election. "Sanchez's time is over," concluded.

Rivera also called for elections and denounced the Spanish government's dialogue with Catalan separatist parties. "It is enough for the separatists to tell us the way", he said, and that "if Sanchez calls elections we will not need to mobilize anymore."

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On the other hand, Abascal, He pleaded for the suspension of autonomy in Catalonia and accused the Sánchez government of "treason".

The concentration ended with the reading of a manifesto of three journalists, in which it was said that "the national unity is not negotiated" and that the Spaniards "are not willing to tolerate more betrayals or concessions. "

Protesters were present with Spanish flags and posters against Spanish President Pedro Sánchez (AP).

Protesters were present with Spanish flags and posters against Spanish President Pedro Sánchez (AP).

After the demonstration, the leaders of the three parties who joined the convocation appeared on a common photo.

Politicians such as Barcelona mayoral candidate Manuel Valls and Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, who accompanied Rivera, also attended the concentration.

EFE Agency.


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