Right-wing Spanish forces protest against Sánchez's government


"The clamor today is that we want to vote, Sanchez cheated us, said that there would be elections and that there are not any", badured the leader of the citizens, Albert Rivera, just before the beginning of the central act, according to the Spanish newspaper El País.

At his side, the head of the PP, Pablo Casado, warned that the mandate of Sanchez to the government was "finished" and announced the beginning of "the reconquest of the heart of the Spaniards".

For his part, the holder of Vox, Santiago Abascal, also called for immediate elections and called for the suspension of the autonomy of the region of Catalonia, which has been plunged for almost two years into an institutional confrontation with Madrid for his declaration of independence. Failure 2017

In the midst of shouts of "Long live the Constitution!", "Long live Spain!" and "¡Viva el Rey!", protesters hoisted national flags and sang songs by Manolo Escobar, Joan Manuel Serrat and Luis Fonsi.

According to the Spanish government, more than 45,000 people gathered in the Plaza de Colón, a figure much higher than that predicted by the organizers of the event.


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