The gay politician who can revolutionize the elections in Poland – 02/10/2019


"Primavera" is the feast of fashion on the Polish political scene, a progressive and liberal training presented this week by its leader, Robert Biedron, the only openly gay polish politician to have he proposed to change country and "retire" within the nationalist government of law and justice.

If today's elections have taken place, the "spring" of Robert Biedron would be the third most voted force, according to the latest poll on the intention to vote, with a significant percentage of 14% of the vote, a record for a party that does not have a week to live and this has already become the hope of the left in Poland.

According to the same survey, prepared by the institute Millward Brown for the chain TVN, Law and Justice remains the leading force with 29%, followed by the liberal center-right alliance with 20%.

Robert Biedron is the great hope of the Polish political left (EFE).

Robert Biedron is the great hope of the Polish political left (EFE).

The success of the polls shows that the proposals of this nascent Polish "spring" have reached the society of this country, "tired" of what Biedron calls "medieval politicians", immersed in "obscurantism and darkness" of a vision "marked by religion and retrograde ideas".

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"Spring" proposes to clearly separate the Church and the state, eliminate coal addiction, enhance the rights of women and people belonging to the LGBT group, promote the Europeanism, to facilitate access to abortion and, above all, to ban "hate speech". " of politics in Poland.

"His anticlerical program, that even proposes to renegotiate the concordat, and its determined defense of the environment is aimed primarily at an electorate formed by the middle clbad of big cities, "said political scientist and university professor Anna Sroka.

Polish President Andrzej Duda (2 nd), his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda, US President Donald J. Trump and US First Lady Melania Trump at Krasinski Square in Warsaw, Poland on July 6, 2017 (EFE) .

Polish President Andrzej Duda (2 nd), his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda, US President Donald J. Trump and US First Lady Melania Trump at Krasinski Square in Warsaw, Poland on July 6, 2017 (EFE) .

Sroka is skeptical about this latest poll, which gives 14% of the voting intentions for "Primavera", and does not believe he will finally get as much support, a view shared by other local badysts such as Henryk Domanski and Grzegorz Malek. from Biedron It will not exceed the 8% threshold.

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"Poland is a young democracyAnd at each election, a new party appears, which captures the votes and plays the leading role in the campaign with its original proposals, "recalls Sroka.

The case of Robert Biedron may be different, because this politician is used to meeting all the challenges presented to him, including his badual condition in a country where traditional and Catholic values ​​still weigh heavily.

Robert Biedron presenting his party a few days ago. Like a rock star (Instagram).

Robert Biedron presenting his party a few days ago. Like a rock star (Instagram).

So, in 2011 he was elected a parliamentarian with the missing Palikot Movement and, then, mayor of Slupsk (the first gay adviser opened in Poland), "despite the fact that many did not give anything to me", admitted Biedron in an interview last October.

During this conversation, which took place a few days after leaving the town hall of Slupsk (100,000 inhabitants), to jump into the national political arena with a political movement that has now become the party " Primavera "

Biedron badured that it was his moment "try to change Poland".

Robert Biedron is the new star of Polish politics (Instagram).

Robert Biedron is the new star of Polish politics (Instagram).

Biedron explained that the political enemy to beat is the government of law and justice (force that won by an absolute majority the 2015 elections), "a threat to Polish democracy, since he wants to impose his beliefs on everyone without asking anything and that he has taken control of the institutions to use them as he pleases, like toys. "

"Obviously, with right and justice in place, our political system and our community life are deteriorating and will continue to do so if they win again, but they will not do it and I will do my best to stop them"Assured Biedron.

"In our favor, we have the fact that Poles are much more progressive than you thinkand it's usually our politicians who give them a bad name, those who have close ties with the hierarchs of the Catholic Church and often follow their directions and move away from what most people think, "he said.

Robert Biedron shows on his Instagram the results of the latest survey (Instagram).

Robert Biedron shows on his Instagram the results of the latest survey (Instagram).

For the moment, it is too early to move forward if the political project of Biedron, only 42 years old, confirm the good omens that advance the polls, although this homobadual activist lacks neither energy nor ambition, and in the presentation of his party he placed himself at the head of the "millions of citizens that we will not let the Polish democracy succumb. "

For the moment, the next European elections in May will be the first touchstone of the "spring" before the Polish general elections, which should be held in November this year.

EFE Agency.


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