In full tension, Maduro inaugurated military exercises: "Venezuela is ready to defend peace with arms"


Maduro took part again in a military act and renewed his criticism of Trump Source: Reuters

CARACAS.- The President of Venezuela,

Nicolás Maduro,

participated today in the beginning of Bicentenario military maneuvers of Angostura with members of the armed forces and volunteers of the Bolivarian militia and returned to launch a new threat, in a scenario of

full voltage with opposition.

"It's the liberator Simón Bolívar's army that goes back to history! The only thing Venezuela wants is peace, respect, the future, prosperity …" said Maduro. "Venezuela wants peace, but Venezuela is ready, ready and willing to defend it if necessary with the arms of the republic," he said.

In this context, he again questioned the support of the United States Government to the President "in charge" of Venezuela, President of the National Assembly,

Juan Guaidó

"Do not threaten us

Donald Trump.

Besides Donald Trump of Venezuela, apart from his threats, there is an armed force and people to defend the honor, dignity and decorum of a homeland that has been fighting for over 200 years ", has Maduro said surrounded by uniforms in the state of Miranda. near Caracas.

As part of the activity broadcast on the national VTV channel, the president announced that he would approve the necessary investments for Venezuela "to have all its anti-aircraft and missile defense system."

"To make our localities and cities impregnable, we can not enter the lands because here are the Bolívar soldiers who would like the American empire to pay the high price to touch the sacred soil of the Venezuelan homeland," he added. . .

The maneuvers began today, as part of 200 years of the Angostura Congress – during which the first republican constitution was created for Venezuela – in the fort of Guaicaipuro and will continue until the end. to February 15th. Maduro stressed that they would be "the most important exercises in history" in the country.

Maduro presented the military exercises
Maduro presented "the most important military exercises in the history" of Venezuela Source: Reuters

The "civil-military" maneuvers were carried out by members of the militia supported by members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces. In total, the militia has 1.7 million registered and targets two million.

The exercises took place after Guaidó – recognized by dozens of countries at the head of the Venezuelan executive – said that
he does not rule out approving a foreign military intervention in the country and insisted that he appeal for an uprising of the army, with the announcement of an amnesty for those who join the rebellion. Since then, Maduro has multiplied his actions with the presence of the army.

DPA and Telam Agencies


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