Video: A teenager approached an elephant to take a selfie and was attacked savagely – 02/10/2019


Several minutes of terror were experienced at the rural fair in Surib, located in northwestern Thailand, when a 19-year-old teenager he approached an elephant to take a selfie. The animal did not like the idea and reacted violently against the young woman.

In Southeast Asia, it is normal for elephants to be used as a means of transport. We can see them walking normally in the street with their owners. Nichanat Manucham He took his cell phone for a photo, but everything ended unexpectedly.

When he was posing, the elephant, named Phan Thong, approached her and wrapped her leg with her trunk. Then he grabbed her body, lifted her into the air and began tearing the vendors' food stalls around her.

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Eventually, Phan Thong was agitated by the heat and loud noises, besides not being an appropriate environment for such an animal. Manucham managed to hang on the huge ivory fangs to keep from falling, and the elephant started shaking it for almost two minutes.

The coach of the animal, who was sitting on him, hit him with a stick to calm him down and let him go. He finally succeeded and Manucham was able to free himself.

Despite the strength of the images, the young woman had only a small arm injury and was not in shock, quite the contrary, she laughed. Her mother learned what had happened once the elephant had jumped her and took her to the nearby hospital.

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According to the Daily Mail, far from blaming the animal, Manucham apologized to everyone and took charge of the situation: "I'm sorry to have caused a problem, I'm sorry for the elephant because it was not his fault, I was stressed and I could not control myself, I do not think he wants to hurt me. "

He added: "I love elephants and I was about to take a picture of myself." He stopped and touched my leg with his trunk. I found that cute, and when he caught me, he could hear the elephant breathing and breaking the tables. but I could only think about it, so people came to help me. "

The incident occurred during the event titled "Let Us Use Silk, Traditional Pearls and Thai Dance!", Organized by Ronnakorn Paowichan, the Khwao District Police Officer. Sinrin.

"The elephant was probably stressed, it could have been hormonal and suddenly it was shaken, it never happened before and all the elephants are normally very relaxed, we are very relieved that the Nichanat be sure, "said Paowichan.

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