Maduro began military exercises in Venezuela – 02/10/2019


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro began Sunday a series of military exercises that will continue until Friday, February 15. He took the opportunity to shout "out" to US President Donald Trump on the grounds that he intends to intervene the country.

The maneuvers "Bicentenario de Angostura" summoned the military and five thousand civilians of the Bolivarian militia of Venezuela.

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"It's the liberator Simón Bolívar's army that goes back to history! The only thing Venezuela wants is peace, respect, the future, prosperity …" said Maduro. "Venezuela wants peace, but Venezuela is ready, ready and willing to defend it if necessary with the arms of the republic," he added.

The maneuvers began at Fort Guaicaipuro, Miranda State. They will continue until February 15 and propose, according to Maduro, to evaluate the country's defense systems.

The maneuvers are carried out by members of the militia supported by members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces. In total, the militia has 1.7 million registered and aims to reach two million members.

These exercises coincide with the bicentennial celebrations of the Angostura Congress in 1819, when Venezuela's first republican constitution was created.

"Do not threaten Donald Trump Donald Trump out of Venezuela, apart from his threats, there is an armed force and people to defend the honor, dignity and decorum of a country that has been fighting since more than 200 years, "said Maduro. .

In the act of the beginning of the military exercises, transmitted by the national VTV channel, Maduro announced that it would approve the necessary investments for Venezuela "to have all its anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system ".

"To make our places and our cities impregnable by air, you can not penetrate inland, because here are the Bolívar soldiers who would make pay the American empire for having touched the sacred ground of Venezuelan homeland, "said Maduro.

These military exercises with troops and civilians were convened by Maduro after Parliament, which has a majority of opposition, did not recognize him as legitimate president since last month, at the beginning of his second mandate. Opponents say that Maduro was re-elected in the elections considered fraudulent.

The Speaker of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, was proclaimed interim President of the country in January 2019. He is supported by 50 countries, including several Latin American countries, the United States and almost all members of the United States. ;European Union. The United States reaffirmed that they envisioned all options, including the military, to overthrow Chavismo from power.

Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. But in the Maduro government entered the worst crisis in its history. This includes widespread shortages of drugs and food products, hyperinflation, deterioration of public services, the exodus of more than three million Venezuelans and a significant devaluation of the currency.

The European and American countries that recognize Guaidó as legitimate president have asked Maduro to authorize the holding of free elections. They also requested permission for humanitarian aid to Venezuela, mainly food and medicine gathered at collection centers in Colombia, Brazil and the Caribbean island of Curacao. This aid would alleviate the critical situation experienced by thousands of citizens.

Source: EFE agency


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