Guaidó announced the delivery of the first shipment of humanitarian aid


The acting president proclaimed by the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, announced today that he had delivered to Venezuela "the first shipment" of humanitarian aid, though without specifying though whether the supplements intended for children and pregnant women were already in the country or how he had entered, after several visits. days to ask the government of Nicolás Maduro to authorize its entry and distribution.

"In line with our expertise, today we deliver the first shipment of humanitarian aid supplies to the Association of Health Centers containing 85,000 supplements, or 1,700,000 nutritional rations for children and 4,500 supplements for pregnant women. Guaidó wrote in his Twitter, without specifying the origin of the help.

"To all the countries that participate and cooperate," he continued, "all those who join the Volunteering, we are going forward forcefully! Together we will reach humanitarian aid in Venezuela!"

Shortly before, while his representatives were already trying to coordinate the arrival and departure of humanitarian aid from Brazil and Colombia, the first two collection centers installed, Guaidó had again asked the government Maduro to allow the entry of millions of dollars of humanitarian aid. the governments that have recognized it on the continent and in Europe, mainly, already engaged.

The anti-Chavez leader is focusing his attention these days on denouncing the shortage of drugs, food and basic necessities that lives in Venezuela and which, according to the UN, has provoked a humanitarian crisis. the departure of more than 2.3 million people. the locals in just three years.

Meanwhile, the Maduro government has announced a new measure against him.

The Comptroller General of the Republic appointed by the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Elvis Amoroso, has announced the opening of an audit on the badets of Guaidó.

Mr. Guaidó "allegedly concealed, falsified data contained in his affidavit of property and, second, received money from national and international authorities without any justification," said Amoroso, as indicated by VTV television channel, citing the EFE news agency.

Amoroso did not give details of the alleged irregularities in Guaidó's affidavit.

Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court of Justice, dominated by Chavismo, ordered an embargo on the accounts of the anti-Chavez leader and banned him from leaving the country.

In parallel, Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said today that there is "a strengthened (military) presence across the border" with Colombia.

"We have a stronger presence on the other side of the border, not because of the demonstration of humanitarian aid. (…) The border is still protected and is now reinforced not only by but by all the crimes committed and all the evils They come from the Republic of Colombia, which unfortunately is not a day ", explained the minister to the press before the beginning of a military ceremony.

In the heart of the operational strategic command of the Bolivarian national armed forces, Padrino led an act to launch the collection of signatures between the military, an initiative launched by the Maduro government with the aim of adding A million signatures against what he considers as it's a coup attempt by the United States led by Guaidó and represented in the country.


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