The holidays are over: Macri travel and today Peña returns


Peña returns today on vacation and must attend immediately the first embroidery for closing lists and agreements. Electoral problems in Chubut, Rio Negro and La Pampa are among the first issues to be addressed. They are not the only ones, but they are the first ones who should attend.

In the rest of the list are the future of the Jujuy elections and all the armed forces that involve the federal capital and its candidates. This last point is not a less problem since Horacio Rodríguez Larreta must not only finish embroidering, always in agreement with Elisa Carrió, on the way he will execute the STEP in the city (with Martín Lousteau in the center), but also on the list of proposed candidates. senators, much more complex than the deputies.

On these decisions, macrismo will have to take others. For example, who will be the provisional president of the Senate (third in line with the presidential succession and the occupying office today Federico Pinedo) or who will preside over the Chamber of Deputies when Emilio Monzó leaves office on December 10 and, eventually, move to Madrid.

As has already been said, the set of central burdens still to be defined in Cambiemos involves decisions that are made in the federal capital. This is not surprising: not only the district of the president, but also that of many candidates for the vice presidency.

This is another problem that Macri still has for him and that makes the men of Casa Rosada nervous. The actions of the candidates come and go each week according to the evolution of the subject in the reality of each one of them.

The theory that Macri is more than confident in the security that Gabriela Michetti gives him as a companion continues; The problem is that there is no security today, it is he who votes the most to the President of this candidacy.

There is no direct link today between rankings that make insecurity a priority issue for voters, with Patricia Bullrich's chances of accompanying Macri in the formula. At Casa Rosada, they swear that the president has other political requirements regarding his possible companion; it is clear that this is changing too. The same can be said of Carolina Stanley, who, they believe, suffers from lack of knowledge, especially from the electorate of the interior. All remains for Macri's return from India.

The president will visit this country on Saturday. After a technical stop in Dubai, he will land in New Delhi and Mumbai and then settle in Vietnam.

He will arrive in India with Juliana Awada, Fulvio Pompeo, Iván Pavlovsky, Luis Miguel Etchevehere and perhaps Nicolás Dujovne. Jorge Faurie will join you in Delhi. The procession is not over yet because Macri personally makes invitations. They will be received by Narendra Modi, star of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires.

There are some curious facts about Argentina's relations with this sector of the Earth and the companies in progress. For example, the sale of an interesting stock of Mirage aircraft spare parts that Argentina has already deprogrammed and that were not used. These spare parts could be a good deal to get funding for the Force; The problem is that Pakistan is the only country in the world that still uses this type of Mirage.

But apart from these details, Argentina and India should be absolutely complementary (each with its size) and that is why Macri responded to Modi's invitation by offering this trip to multiply markets and exports. In Hanoi, he will do the same.

As the moment of travel arrives, Macri continues the series of consultations with economists, without hiding it. Yesterday, with Nicolás Dujovne, he received Daniel Artana and Ricardo Arriazu. It is the continuation of an exercise he has done with other economists and which includes, in a separate chapter, a renewed relationship with Carlos Melconian. They swear that we should not expect immediate news of these exercises; everything is destined for what will happen if he is re-elected. You do not have to be a fortuneteller to understand it.

A change yesterday at the Foreign Ministry shows that the entry and exit of officials will continue even during the campaign. Faurie has asked for the resignation of Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Raimondi. There is no substitute yet and although it is specified that he will visit an embbady, ​​it is not determined which one. Faurie and Raimondi have completely opposite styles and characters. At the Chancellery, they swear that this was not a barrier to work, but that the problems came from another sector. Two data to complete the story. Raimondi, who, like any diplomat, wants to have his own embbady, ​​was badigned twice and then deprogrammed. Now, wait. Other: Possible substitutes include Under Secretary for Global Affairs Paola Di Chiaro. If confirmed, there will be another success of Fulvio Pompeo.


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