The black leopard was not a myth | They photographed …


British photographer Will Burrard-Lucas has managed to capture the first image of a black leopard in 100 years. He had it in the Lakipia area of ​​Kenya, where he organized an expedition after learning that there were traces of this animal in the area. The sightings of the black leopard, also called black panther, are so rare that it almost became a myth for the locals.

The photos show a young black woman who has traveled the plains of Kenya. She was accompanied by a larger leopard, of normal color, than it is believed to be his mother.

The black fur of these leopards comes from a genetic variation that results in an excess of dark pigmentation. This is a variation opposite to albinism.

The author of the images told in his blog that from his childhood he dreamed of photographing the mythical black leopard. He also shared a video detailing the use of the Camtraptions special camera, equipped with a motion sensor. Burrard-Lucas left the cameras near where the felines had been seen.


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