"It's written with G or with J" The striking response of RAE to a request on twitter


Appeal to what is supposed to be behind an invitation to watch Netflix, a tweeter wrote the request arrobando @RAEinforma and the entity that governs the Spanish language was not shocked, he answered and redoubled the bet, giving a very intelligent answer.

Hi @RAEinforma The following is a very common question among us Twitter users.

We would like to know if "I invite you to see me Netflix" is written with G. or J.

Thank you in advance.

– Lucio Ferreyra (@LuciooFerreyra) February 12, 2019

Thanks for the illustration, we will bring it to practice. And I'm talking about the use of meanings, not the aforementioned act.

– Lucio Ferreyra (@LuciooFerreyra) February 12, 2019

The tweeter applauded the applause of many users, who praised the success with which such a reputed entity, answered a question in the form of a joke.

In life, it takes from time to time and from time to time something of humor. ??

– Edwin González (@ edwin2602) February 13, 2019

But it was a crack seriously … Brilliant answer

– Jorge Saba Manzo (@JorgeSabaManzo) February 13, 2019

Ha ha ha ha ha ha applause at the CM de @RAEinforma

– Jorge Saba Manzo (@JorgeSabaManzo) February 12, 2019


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