Carrió was to apologize for using a fake photo to attack the Kirchner


The official deputy had to apologize for the publication of photos of a hospital in Honduras and attribute them to Venezuela to attack the Kirchner.

February 13, 2019

After a serious mistake, the pro-government member, Elisa Carrió, must have apologized for posting fake photos on Twitter attack Venezuela and Kirchnerism.

"The tweet in which I referred to a Venezuelan hospital was wrong. I'm sorry for the mistake. A kiss", the leader of the Civic Coalition tweeted. Previously, the MP had published the photo of a hospital that she had attributed to Venezuela, but who happened to be from Honduras in 2013.

"Venezuela today … what we saved ourselves from", Carrió published in the social network. Along with this sentence, he shared a series of hospital photos showing people treated on the ground and several newborns placed in plastic or cardboard boxes.

The photo of the babies comes from the Western Regional Hospital, Honduras.. According to the La Prensa portal of August 15, 2013, they were put in boxes due to the lack of incubators.

READ MORE: Stornelli: documents that disarm the defense of Carrió and Clarín


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