Valentine: the curious doodle with which Google honored the love


This 14th of February love is celebrated in many countries of the world and Google did not want to be left behind: today, millions of people around the world using the famous search engine will be able to see on their screens a commemorative doodle to this day.

Known in some parts as Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day, of love and friendship, This day is a tribute to a universal feeling capable of motivating incredible actions. At least, this is what American society wanted to convey with a sequence of images in which various insects appear. the impossible to be together.

"Love comes in all shapes and sizes! See the love creatures that appear in Doodle today. Irresistibly attracted to each other, they twist, beat, spin, jump and do their best to overcome any obstacle and to express your eternal devotion", They said Google.

The scope of the doodle as a tribute to Valentine's Day. "src =" "srcset =" // /sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2019/02/14/5c654e028bcec_alcance_de_google.JPG 1080w, // 14 / 5c654e028bcec_alcance_of_google.JPG 720w
The scope of the doodle as a tribute to Valentine's Day.

With this doodle, Google celebrated "The universal and undeniable power of love"

Happy Valentine's day!


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