They will import gas from Bolivia and save $ 460 million


The agreement between the companies was signed in Bolivia in the presence of the secretary of Energy, Gustavo Lopeteguiand the minister of Hydrocarbons of Bolivia, Luis Alberto Sánchez, in the executive house of YPFB, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

Yesterday was the fourth addendum to the initial contract between IEASA e YPFB (sealed in October 2006 and valid until 2026) and in the new regime the Argentina will receive less gas in the months that reduce consumption, thus avoiding the payment of penalties accepted by the previous administration, said a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance.

"These last years, Argentina had the chance to discover and develop important natural gas resources and reserves, particularly during Vaca Muerta's training, which significantly increased local production. We currently have surpluses of exportable gas in the summer, but we still need imports in winter, "he said. Lopetegui.


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This change of context "has led to the need to renegotiate, in principle, for a period of two years, the current contract of purchase and sale of gas between YPFB e IEASA. In order to find a satisfactory solution for both parties, we have adapted the contract quantities to the needs of Argentina during the summer and we have established differential prices based on market signals, especially in winter, "he said. added.

The Secretary Lopetegui offered to the Minister Sanchez a Pampa 3 plane made in FADEA before the end of the contract. The Pampa 3 plane will be delivered by Argentina a Bolivia if the supply of gas is exceeded by 45 million cubic meters for the entire winter period.

The contract between the two countries for the supply of gas will represent an amount this year USD 1,200 million. In the new price and quantity regime, it has been established that during the months of "Summer" (January to April and October to December), YPBF will provide 11 million cubic meters of gas per day. In May and September, the volume will reach 16 million and during the winter peaks, between June and August, the volume will be 18 million cubic meters per day.


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