They extinguished the fire and discovered a brutal double homicide: a corpse containing 170 stab wounds and a hanged woman.


Young detainees accused of having participated in double homicide

Fear and danger did not paralyze them and they tried to do something so that the fire did not spread. But they did not succeed: the flames could only be stifled by the firefighters of the city, who came to ask for help. When the accident was over, something worse was discovered: a brutal double homicide; the victims, a suspected dealer and scammer, and his wife.

The autopsy determined that Alexis Ferreira's body, aged 22, had 170 stab wounds. Two knives were used to kill him. His partner, Rocío Micaela Benítez Salaya, was hanged with a cable. The fire, according to judicial and police sources
THE NATION, was initiated to try to erase any trace that incriminated the murderers.

The double crime was discovered early in the morning of the 3rd of this month in an apartment on the first floor of a PH located in Fernandez 1767, in the district of Parque Avellaneda in Buenos Aires. Ferreira and Benítez Salaya were killed between the last hours of January 31 and the first minutes of the first day of the month.

The homicides coexisted with the bodies until they decided to set the property on fire, the researchers said.

The motive of the double crime would have links to the illegal activities of Ferreira, according to the badumption of police and judicial detectives in this case. In one of the rooms, the researchers found a refrigerator in which someone was writing the word "traitor".

The corpses were in each of the two rooms of the building, under two mattresses covered with household garbage and other objects.

In a first step, the case was in charge of the Criminal and Correctional Judge of Buenos Aires, Alejandra Provítola. The magistrate and her team, together with detectives from the Homicide Division of the municipal police, managed to identify and arrest two alleged participants in the double homicide.

The arrested suspects were identified by police and judicial sources as Max Javier Funes, Argentine, and Camilo José Rimsky Techera, Uruguayan, both 19 years old.

The first clue to reach them was obtained thanks to an error of one of them. In PH's courtyard, Rimsky Techera left a bag containing clothes, two precision scales and his pbadport.

"It was obvious that he wanted to escape, but after setting fire to the place where he had forgotten his bag," explained a qualified source in the case.

While Provítola judge and police detectives were able to rebuild, the young Uruguayan "worked" for Ferreira.

One of the illegal activities attributed to Ferreira, according to sources with access to the file, was a scam to the address of people who buy and sell items via reputable internet portals.

"Rimsky Techera was the visible face of these scams, his exposure being all the greater, he demanded a higher percentage of profits.In the middle of the conflict, the young man and his friends committed a double homicide", explained the police. from the city.

The spokespersons consulted did not exclude that the mobile phone was badociated with the activities of sale of medicines, which Ferreira would also have managed.

"The neighbors of the victim saw Rimsky Techera make some sort of move, which happened after the homicides and before the fire, that is, that he would have lived with the bodies for a few days they had the habit of stretching and splitting the drugs they were selling, "speculates a researcher in the case.

In addition to the abandoned stock market, other clues have led detectives from the municipal police to visit Uruguay and his alleged accomplice. The neighbors provided physiognomic data of Rimsky Techera and also related that the night before the double crime they had seen with two other people of his age.

The first of the detainees was Funes. He was arrested by the municipal police at Villa Soldati. Before being handcuffed, according to police sources, he reportedly told the detectives that the double homicide had arrived at his home. He admitted that he had participated with Rimsky Techera and another young man who would be a minor.

The Uruguayan was arrested while he was preparing to enter a house in General Miter's neighborhood in Buenos Aires.

At the time of the investigations, Funes and Rimsky Techera refused to testify and were arrested. The third suspect being a minor, Judge Provítola had to decline jurisdiction and the case was brought before juvenile judge Gonzalo Oliver de Tezanos.

In the afternoon of today, at the behest of Judge De Tezanos, the city police arrested the child suspected of having participated in the events .

Sources from the Buenos Aires Ministry of Justice and Security highlighted the work of Judge Provítola, who found the two alleged perpetrators.

"If these types of homicides are not resolved in the first ten days, the pbading time contributes to impunity," said a qualified source in the case.


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