Macri in Uruguay: called for "finding a democratic solution" for Venezuela


President Mauricio MacrI met today his Uruguayan counterpart, Tabaré Vázquez, with whom he accepted a called for "finding a democratic solution with free, credible and reliable international elections" in Venezuela. The meeting took place in the Aarón de Anchorena National Park, located in the Uruguayan city of Colonia, at the heart of the Venezuelan crisis.

In a joint report, the governments of both countries reported that the leaders conducted an "badysis of the political and social situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" in which "They call for a democratic solution with free and credible elections and reliable international controls."

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On the other hand, Macri and Vázquez badyzed the situation in Mercosur and agreed on the need to "modernize" the trading bloc that they integrate with Brazil and Paraguay. They emphasized the importance of the organization and agreed "Revitalize the process of regional integration and modernization with regard to the prospects and modalities of concluding trade treaties with countries outside the region or with other regional blocs".

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In addition, they badyzed and expressed their views on economic and trade prospects "in the immediate future and towards the future of both countries". Finally, they agreed to "continue to hold periodic presidential meetings or between the teams of presidencies" and thus continue to evaluate the progress of the issues discussed today.

Source: NA


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