Pedro Sánchez called in the elections of 28 April in Spain – 15/02/2019


In the worst week of eight months at the head of the Moncloa front, Socialist President Pedro Sánchez announced Friday the holding of early elections in Spain. April 28.

He made it in an institutional statement, two days after the independence movement joined the Popular Party (PP) and Citizens for reject government budgets to the Congress of Deputies.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

"They have blocked the social budgets, the most social of the last decade of our country, the most necessary The dilemma is clear: or continue to govern with budgets that do not belong to us and that violate the social demands that our country has need or believe, as I believe, that Spain does not have a minute to lose. Between the two options, I chose to call and give the floor to the Spaniards, "said the Spanish president.What could be interpreted as a first campaign event, Pedro Sánchez said that & # 39; " there are parliamentary defeats that are social victories ".

"The only difference between what happened today and what happened eight months ago, before the motion of censure, is that before the party government the institutional loyalty of the PSOE and myself, on the other hand, during these eight months we did not rely on the loyalty of the conservative opposition"Said the president after explaining how he had arrived at La Moncloa in June 2018.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, during his appearance Friday at the Palace of Moncloa, in which he announced the convening of general elections for April 28 next (EFE).

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, during his appearance Friday at the Palace of Moncloa, in which he announced the convening of general elections for April 28 next (EFE).

He did so through a motion of censure that he filed against Mariano Rajoy, who was in charge, according to Sánchez, "of a government that he was more aware of defending himself in court than dealing with people"

And he succeeded with a weak parliamentary majority, based on an alliance with Unidos Podemos and the Basque minorities and Catalan independence.

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The opposition of the People's Party and the citizens, which joined the far-right party Vox (in an uphill race to accession), has never forgiven the Sánchez to be allied with the Catalan sovereignty and questioned, with increasing vehemence, that the leader of socialism had towards the Generalitat of Catalonia.

"The independence movement has always known where the government is.The opposition raises absurd debates for the children.In the Constitution, we are willing to dialogue to find a solution.In the Constitution, everything, apart from the Constitution, nothing, "insisted Sanchez, and the president, who had accepted budgets with Podemos, paid dearly for intensifying discussions with the Generalitat.

The leader of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, appeared in front of the media, claiming that his party "had managed to make that the government of Sanchez throws the sponge" (EFE).

The leader of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, appeared in front of the media, claiming that his party "had managed to make that the government of Sanchez throws the sponge" (EFE).

A week ago, the figure of the rapporteur at the table of dialogue with the Catalan political parties accepted by the government had provoked a tsunami of internal critics within the socialism and the opposition. Sánchez immediately interrupted the contact with the independence movement which returned Wednesday the kindness start their budgets and opening the exit door.

The Cortes will be dissolved 54 days before April 28 and the election campaign will start on the 14th.

Look also

"We are ready to return to the government, this machine is unstoppable, we have a winning match, we went out to win, no link or agreement, "said the head of the PP, Pablo Casado, how the date of the elections knew itself.

And he predicted: "Sánchez will make a pact with the separatists, he will do it again.Do not forget that Pedro Sánchez has called elections because we surprised him negotiating with Torra", said Casado.

"The time has come to choose whether we want a model that negotiates with Torra or a model that poses apply the 155"Casado added with reference to the Article of the Constitution that allowed Rajoy to intervene in Catalonia in 2017, after autonomy had attempted to declare independence unilaterally.

The leader of the citizens, Albert Rivera, proposes this Friday a press conference in which he qualified as "big day" the day of Friday when general elections were summoned for April 28 (EFE).

The leader of the citizens, Albert Rivera, proposes this Friday a press conference in which he qualified as "big day" the day of Friday when general elections were summoned for April 28 (EFE).

From Ciudadanos also celebrated the measure of the elections' progress: "Today is a good day for Spain.The voice of the Spanish people is made after the failure of a legislature. The Frankenstein government is deadbut Sánchez is going to resurrect him. We must fill the ballot box with orange votes (the color of their party), constitutional votes, "said Albert Rivera, its president.

Irene Montero, spokesperson for Unidos Podemos, said: "We are the best guarantee that there can be a Spain that re-articulates trust with Catalonia and limits the right that the PSOE has shown that, without us, he could not his legs are shaking a lot of times".

This legislature, which Mariano Rajoy inaugurated on July 19, 2016, was to last until next year. Pedro Sánchez, the seventh president of the Spanish democracyhe has ruled until today with barely 84 deputies from his party and with the shadow of the electoral advance floating on his shoulders from the first day of his term. A shadow became reality this Friday.


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