Uruguay protests Bullrich | Page12


The Uruguayan government has officially seized Mauricio Macri of a complaint for interference by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, in the internal affairs of that country. The malaise of the Uruguayan authorities was born from the video that Bullrich made last week in support of Senator Veronica Alonso of the right-wing nationalist party of that country. During filming, he claimed that there was a policy of "permissiveness" with regard to delinquency and recommended to create "a police force that felt to be supported by the power".

The Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the request of the government of Tabaré Vázquez to the ambbadador of Argentina in Uruguay, Mario Barletta. Before the complaint, a senator from Frente Amplio, Rubén Martínez Huelmo, had expressed his annoyance at Bullrich's remarks. "It is serious that a minister, member of the executive, badyzes as the government's voice the affairs of the country," he said, while describing as "very serious" the point of Minister Mauricio Macri's view, adding that he did not remember any departmental background. foreigners "who think and try to intervene in the affairs of other countries", and said that the leadership of Bullrich "is not an example of anything". This is not the first time Bullrich has generated a diplomatic incident. Last April, he declared that "Holland was a narco-state" for its drug policy and had to apologize to the ambbadador of the Netherlands. The excuses could be repeated, but with the Embbady of Uruguay.


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