It is said that in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed is king. We understand then that in a time as confusing as ours where the old political orthodoxies no longer serve, no economic program provides the expected results and even the lucky ones do not feel safe, Many believe that the time has come to try something radically different without knowing what they are looking for. Maybe the situation is different in countries like China they are growing at an impressive speed, but in the already rich world, pessimism predominates, the feeling that the future will be worse than the past, hence the will of so many people that everything will change.
The one that has benefited the most from the atmosphere that has spread in the years following the financial upheaval of 2008 is Donald Trump. As a champion of Americans who feel that their country has become irretrievably alien to them, he is the godfather of all the "populist" movements that restructure the political landscape in the western world.
Among the most affected by this magnate, there are the old socialist parties French, Italian and German. Before being almost hegemonic, they now seem threatened with extinction. However, despite such disasters and the bleak example of "twenty-first century socialism" in Venezuela, there is a country in which many left-wing activists face the future with exuberant optimism.
Strangely enough, it is the United States where, largely thanks to Trump 's aggressiveness and arbitrariness, leftists of different types manage to seize the Democratic Party. and they hope one of them will be able to visit the White House after winning the presidential elections next year.
In this case, Trump could boast of being the maximum culprit not only of the exploits of the new right in Europe, but also of those that the left could score in the coming years in his own country. For Europeans, especially those who belong to what remains of the working clbad or the marginal middle clbad who had been accustomed to support it, socialism has failed, it is the past; for a growing minority of Americans, it is something new and therefore attractive.
It is for this reason that, with very few exceptions, presumed democratic presidents sit well to the left of Hillary Clinton and even Barack Obama. Some, like the Californian Kamala Harris -One of the many women who have already asked to take command of the most powerful country on the planet-, they want to completely nationalize the chaotic and expensive health system, to forgive the colossal debts accumulated by university students, to force the rich to pay drastic taxes and to lead a green revolution that would virtually eliminate the use of fossil fuels in ten years . And, for the purported purpose of convincing Trump that, like the Democrats themselves when Obama was in power, opposed the uncontrolled entry of millions of immigrants, the most appeal campaigning for a policy of open borders.
(Read also: Trump experiences the emf effect in the United States)
Among the most influential radicals of the Democratic Party, there is the youngest member of Congress in his country's history, New Yorker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29 years old. Although judging by what she said, the legislator is far from being well informed and her frequent blunders greatly amuse her opponents. Many see it as the new face of American progressivism and anticipate that after gaining more knowledge, it could play a role. important role in the public life of the superpower.
The current guru of Ocasio-Cortez and the person who, presumably, will be responsible for his formation, is the senator Bernie Sanders, the one who lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic internship in 2016. At that time, party operators were tripping him because they thought that he was too left-wing for the United States, a country in which, as in Argentina, the majority was never drawn to the socialist creed, but it seems that the debacle featuring Hillary in front of Trump deprived the old guard of its traditional veto.
By the way, moderates who favor the consensus and seek to interfere in broad layers of the population would not be quite easy to stop the progress of the left that has enthusiastic support from legions of fervent supporters of politically correct and attack with virulence and even with violence those who do not share all their prejudices.
Trump will coincide with the moderate Democrats regarding the electoral possibilities of a possible radical candidate, although he prefers, of course, not having to face a moderate who does not scare anyone. From his own experience, he knows that there is a very big difference between inmate detainees and general elections. He got the Republican nomination against the will of the party hierarchy thanks to popular support. He believes that if the Democrats, under pressure from bases, opt for a candidate who could accuse him of extremism, he will be badured of his reelection.
He would also benefit from the efforts of the Democratic candidates to please those who demand radical reforms. To appease the activists, they adopt positions that seemed previously negative, from lukewarm conservatives to vehement progressive. Unfortunately for such chameleons, it is now extremely easy to discover evidence of ideological sins and, on occasion, of personal sins committed five, ten, twenty or thirty years ago. Although Trump himself was able to survive the most gruesome complaints, Democrats are going through a Puritan phase and therefore they are less tolerant when it comes to the mistakes of their leaders.
So, a favorite of the left hawks, Senator Elizabeth Warren would have to overcome the shame of claiming to be of Indian descent, in her case Cherokee, for the substantial benefits that prevailed in the United States.s are granted to members of ethnic minorities; According to a DNA test that he has undergone, at most he would have a small drop of native blood. Trump likes to make fun of the senator who dreams of moving him. still called Pocahontas, named after the daughter of a tribal leader of Indians living in Virginia who, in the early seventeenth century, married one of the first English settlers, which earned him a place of choice in the books of American History. Needless to say, if Warren got the Democratic nomination, Trump and his followers would use that mocking nickname to make his campaign a sham.
Now, it is not hard to understand the sudden interest of North American Democrats in leftist recipes in order to solve or, at least, mitigate the many problems of their country. As in Europe, the economic gap that separates the very rich from the others has widened, the incessant technological innovations cause more concern than hope. and the scorn of elites for those who do not respect the values they claim to be progressive in their judgment tends to intensify.
Although in the United States, as in Europe, the most fascinated by the ideas of left tend to be the children of relatively rich families, whereas more and more ordinary people adopt attitudes denosted on the right.Democrats are betting that Trump's erratic behavior, in addition to promises of subsidies of all kinds, will enable them to get the votes they would need to expel him from the presidency.
Democratic strategists have been trying for many years to form a grand coalition of minorities who see themselves as victims of the current system, affirming their solidarity with a multitude of groups: blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, feminists, homobaduals and transbaduals. They believe that together they will guarantee an insurmountable voice.
As for whites, who still make up at least half of the population, they can contribute if they repent and collaborate in the effort to purge society of the consequences of centuries of racist and badist oppression that, according to the ideologues , are at stake. root of all the social problems of your country. It is a role that many of those in key positions in the media and academia are more than willing to comply with.
The many wealthy middle-clbad whites who feel guilty of the crimes they attribute to their peers from previous generationsThese are the most effective activists of "identity politics" who merged with a version of socialism to create the ideology that is gaining ground within the Democratic Party. Could they export to Latin America what they forge? Since fashions from American universities, such as feminist "me too," "equal marriage," and political correctness, have quickly produced copies in the region, it can be badumed that the neo-leftist Americans will impact, although the circumstances are so different that it would change a lot.
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