He was looking for his father and he found three girls


But there are surprises in life, and 50-year-old lawyer Ted Wood, who is married with three children, if he gives it to them: instead of his father, there were three girls in this DNA sample, but non-extramarital, women to whom he had unknowingly donated his sperm, while he was a university, he asked as a donor to help couples who could not become pregnant.

By that time, he had earned $ 100 by making a completely anonymous donation. When he enrolled in Ancestry to find his father, he was exposed as a father, what he did not know and whom he had not even remembered since his tenure. ;lawyer.

Previously, some people with the same DNA who turned out to be cousins ​​had appeared to her, then, last April, it was the first impact: a Texas girl, Melissa, 27, was her biological girl and sent him a message "hoping not to disturb him but thanking him for the gift that allowed his mother to have it."

Ted did not want to see her, even though her mother's death had precipitated the meeting. What's funny about Wood is that Daniels told him that in the DNA tests he did in recent years looking for his father, he found two half-sisters, also girls mothers who had received a sperm donation: they were 20 years old.

On the day of the meeting, Ted went to the meeting with his wife and two of his children. Together, they shared moments of strong emotional impact for all. And Ted's father? Among the searches, she was the only one who did not have a happy ending: she knew her real name (Linwood Gray) and, after putting Ted's mother pregnant, she had left school and married another woman with who she had also divorced. Finally, Gray became a boyfriend with another man, with whom he went to live in Houston. In 1982, after a fight between them, he shot his partner and committed suicide.


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