Does your child have Asperger Syndrome? These nine tips can help you


Maybe you started to notice in your son a series of atypical behaviors that did not coincide with the stereotype of what others call "normal". For example, he did not answer his name or was disturbed by certain noises, lights or textures. Every day your teacher gave you a note with an alarm clock. So you accepted that something was wrong.

After going through countless professionals, your 7 year old boy was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. At that moment, you entered an area that you did not know and your head was full of questions: what kind of work would you have ?, Will you fall in love ?, Will you succeed in having friends? For some families, the diagnosis can be an emotionally difficult time; for others, it is a relief, as it places them in a place where they can begin to act.

Today, as every year, the world is celebrated International Day of Asperger's Syndrome with the dual aim of raising awareness of this disorder and promoting social inclusion.

In principle, it is important to know that Asperger Syndrome This is part of the autism spectrum disorder, although that does not mean that they are synonymous. In this case, genetic and environmental causes interact, resulting in abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. Although people with Asperger's are able to develop their language normally, they experience difficulties in social interaction and communication, while often having interests in very limited areas.

If you have children or parents with Asperger, this guide with nine tips This can help you understand and connect with them.

1- Create a unique and different link. Thus, you will understand that their way of wanting is not the same as yours, even if it is worth asking: is there only one way to love?

2- Do not interrupt suddenly your solitary game, Arrimate gradually so that they are those who include you.

3- Do not force them to look in your eyesput yourself at their height and look for them with your eyes.

4- If you tell them a joke and you do not laugh, explain it. They do not understand sarcasm, evil or irony, they interpret what we say literally.

5- If they want to tell you a story, listen to them! This is surely great.

6- Give them a lot of attentionSometimes they do not measure the danger.

7- If you see that they are locked in their world, let them stay a moment. We all love to travel through our thoughts at a time of the day! And if they are absent for a long time, summon them again, pedile to return.

8- To remove prejudices and deconstruct the stereotype of "normal"In this way, you will get two things: first, to understand that being different from the rest is not equivalent to something bad, on the other hand, you will learn to make room for the particularity, to the person leaving the already known structure.

9- I followed the treatment indicated by the professionals and if you have doubts, ask.

There is still a lot to know about this type of syndrome. However, a early intervention increases the likelihood that the person will have a full life.

(*) The author is a graduate in psychology (AW: 68.245).


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