Macri has signed agreements with India to export lemons, eggs and flour


Macri and Modi have signed a sanitary protocol that will allow the entry of Argentine products into the Asian country; the agreement should favor regional economies Source: AP – Credit: Manish Swarup

NEW DELHI.- The infernal sound of the loudspeakers is silenced and the characteristic vehicular chaos of the city disappears for a few minutes. As members of the delegation say to the car transporting President Mauricio Macri, the capsule is moving at full speed in the uninhabited streets of the city. Special guest of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the president and his companions have the advantage of not suffering from local traffic.

It was a special day for Macri. Not only confirmed the very good relationship he has with the leader of the Asian giant, but also allowed to sign an agreement with Modi for the export of lemons, fresh eggs, egg products, fish meal, bone meal and chia seeds. The health protocol, signed after the meeting between the president and the Indian prime minister, will have an effect on regional economies.

"Open markets control every channel, when a market as large as the Indian market opens up, producers' expectations change and producers have a market to express their potential." The horizon has changed dramatically, "he said.
THE NATION the secretary of the agri-food sector, Luis Miguel Etchevehere.

This is the first concrete effect of the President's tour, said enthusiastically some members of the delegation. In return, Argentina accepted the entry of millet and guar seeds.

Macri and Modi have signed agreements and memoranda of understanding in 10 other areas, including defense, tourism, content delivery, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, information and communication technologies and nuclear energy.

"My friend" Macri

The president began the day at the majestic presidential palace, called Rashtrapati Bhavan. There, he received his couple, Ram Nath Kovind and Modi. After a brief ceremony, the Head of State and the delegation hurried off to the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (see annex).

After the tribute paid to the leader of Indian nationalism and principal architect of the independence of his country, the meeting with Modi arrived and called Macri "my friend". The Prime Minister introduced him three times to the president, who made the gesture by describing the "very good chemistry" of the two leaders.

In addition to highlighting the agreements, much of the message they conveyed after the shared lunch was against terrorism. Is the biggest democracy in the world still in shock after the terrorist attack on a convoy of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) last Thursday, which left more than 40 dead and 25 wounded.

"The time for dialogue is over, we must put an end to terrorism," said Modi. Macri also condemned the attack and stressed that this form of violence "is contrary to what we believe to be a healthy coexistence, the development of families and our peoples". "I am very happy to work together to fight this scourge," he added.

This was one of the strong points of the message conveyed by Macri and Modi after the meeting held at Government House (Hyderabad House). The president and prime minister also highlighted trade relations and were optimistic about their future development.

"Trade with Argentina has doubled in the last 10 years and there is an opportunity to develop it further," said the Indian Prime Minister.

The head of state added that "Argentina is a reliable and competitive supplier of food products for Indian consumers" and badured that there was a possibility of "cooperation in the fields of agricultural production and biotechnology ".

On the other hand, the President underlined the great opportunities open to SMEs. One of the highlights of the Macri tour is that of the 85 companies that traveled, including 70 small and medium-sized ones. He devotes a part of his time to them. In this sense, yesterday, the President presented at the opening of the Argentina-India Business Forum, which brought together important leaders of companies from this country.

"We have great opportunities to promote and develop in sectors such as agribusiness, knowledge-based services and unconventional and renewable energies," encouraged the president, highlighting the project. lithium export.


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