A civilian minister falls, he is replaced by a general | From …


PageI12 In Brazil

From Brasilia

Five days that devastated the power of Bolsonaro. The president sacked Minister Gustavo Bebianno, one of only two civilians occupying positions of responsibility in the palace of Plbadto yesterday afternoon. The first crisis would be in a month and eighteen days of mandate. The expelled leader, who was secretary-general of the presidency, will be replaced by General Floriano Peixoto.

In a video, Bolsonaro announced his decision to dismiss his collaborator with whom "last week we had different points of view on relevant issues". Bebianno was the campaign coordinator of the Liberal Social Party (PSL) in the 2018 elections, while there appeared to be embezzlement and use of alleged or "oranges" candidates in criminal slang, as reported several reports from the newspaper Folha de Saint Paul.

Up to now, the press articles evoke maneuvers of the PSL in the state of Pernambuco, in the north-east of the country, but the badumption that the fraud also benefited the candidate to the presidency of the time, Bolsonaro, is not excluded. In October 2018, Bebianno was the candidate's trusted man.

This scandal of electoral corruption, which could also be criminal, has revived the dispute between the current former minister and the "clan" of the family.

The spark sparked last Wednesday when the presidential son Carlos described as liar Bebianno, who was also the president's attorney.

From that day, the government turns into a battlefield: on one side the entrenched generals near Bebianno and on the other the head of state and his offspring, in which also participate the two other children: Senator Flavio and MP Eduardo.

Throughout these five days, the decreasing authority of the ruler facing the generals and disobeyed Bebbiano disobeyed when he announced that he was not going to resign.

This period of unfortunate quasi-government by the former captain of the army created a void occupied by generals, accustomed to behave like an organic bloc.

The vice president, General Hamilton Mourao, is at the forefront of this space conflict. Nobody doubts his presidential ambitions, starting with Bolsonaro.

Mourao, along with his companions in arms Augusto Heleno and Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, both ministers, are the expression of the omnipresent military party at Plbadto Palace.

Contrary to the military spirit, reinforced in recent days, there are divisions within the PSL where some caciques, like Senator Olimpio Mayor, do not hide their anger against the president's children. It is even thought that Eduardo and Flavio Bolsonaro would study the possibility of leaving the party to recreate the former UDN right group.

All indications are that the minister has fallen but that the crisis has not ended.

Carnival tunes

Representatives of the Army High Command, and in particular the wicked Bebianno, have spent the last five days spreading negative information about the president and his home environment.

Bebianno said, or said, in a reserved way, that he regretted having contributed to the ascent of Bolsonaro and that he was being kicked – as he did. was finally – he was going to explode explosive secrets on the campaign. He also hinted through parents that his former boss seemed to have lost his mind. This alleged badertion was linked to a photo of the retired captain, looking lost, wearing a Palmeiras shirt, flip flops and a group of ministers who visited him at the official residence.

One of the last shots fired by the former minister took place yesterday at noon when, according to unofficial spokesmen, he had received death threats, allegedly bolonarists, according to the respected newspaper Folha, signed by the famous journalist Mónica Bergamo.

In the same note, it is mentioned that the outgoing leader does not exclude to repress these threats by a counter-offensive that can be triggered at any time.

It appeared that in the arsenal of sensitive information, there would be data on Carlos Bolsonaro, one of the alleged architects of the dirty operations of the electoral conflict of last year, when Millions of messages were returned via WhatsApp with false information damaging to candidate Fernando Haddad, PT.

He also fears in his statistics of power on the relationship between Senator Favio Bolsonaro and the paramilitary "militias" of Rio de Janeiro, a link that was reported a few months ago and updated in January, giving rise to the first shaking of the brand new administration. The consolidated information up to now revealed that the seandor had to advise an "orange character" called Fabricio Queiroz.

Last weekend in Brasilia, the celebrations before the carnival began, while people dressed in "orange" clothes were seen as a way to satirize the irregularities of the presidential family and their prestanombres.


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