Martita Fort gave her first interview and explained in detail how is her life millionaire – 19/02/2019


Less than a week before the age of 15, Martita FortHe told exclusive details of his life in Buenos Aires with his twin brother, FelipeAnd Gustavo Martínez, his father's ex-partner and legal guardian of both.

In the meantime, she has revealed her dreams for the future, very similar perhaps to what her father would have wanted for her: to live at home Miami When he will be of legal age, get married at 30 and have children 5 years later.

Strong, with Marta and Felipe in their arms.

Strong, with Marta and Felipe in their arms.

In detail, the girl of memory Ricardo Fort (1968-2013) proposed for the first time an interview in which he talked about everything and even told hilarious anecdotes of his life.

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The most read of the day | Discover what we talked about today to stay out of the world

Monday to Friday afternoon.

To begin, the heiress of one of the most famous media who has had local celebrity counted in the last edition of people Although his birthday is celebrated on February 25, his party of 15 will be held in May and will be "explosive". "Nothing in common. I want it to be the feast of the year. My friends tell me it's going to be great! "He said.

Then Martita (she has the same name as her paternal grandmother) mentioned that last year attended one of the demonstrations in favor of the decriminalization of abortion in Argentina because he defends "that women be respected".

And he remembered with humor that day was his first and only trip by subway. "I do not use public transport because they forbid me to… When I leave the house, I go by car, "he explained.

Martita Fort in Miami. (Instagram)

Martita Fort in Miami. (Instagram)

"Once, I went to eat with girls and suddenly I saw Gustavo. I'm going to have a boyfriend and Gustavo is going to sleep in the middle! My father did not let me out either … One time, he said "yes", I went out and saw Miguel (one of his bodyguards) getting stand in front of me spying behind a newspaper. I shouted 'Miguel! & # 39; … and I became a fool, ah ah … But If I do not go out with Gustavo or with a guardian, I do not have a social life. The same thing, there are flights … For the moment, I'm fine, he said.

Does Martita speak of "right here"and"the"because with his brother he travels frequently to Miami, the city that her father loved and where she wants to move when she turns 18. "There I walk alone, because nothing happens. Or much less than here, "he began to say about it.

And he continued to talk about his university studies: "I plan to study but a very long or very difficult race -Abogacía or medicine-, which if I complete it says: "Look what he did" ".

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In addition, the heiress of the chocolatier said that she dreamed of starting a family. "I would not have a relationship at my age … it looks boring. Later, I would be with boys, but my boyfriend. Like my father: he had no specific couple: it changed. My idea is to get married at age 30 and have kids at age 35, also like my father, "he said.

Exclusively with people, the teenager too he talked about his birth and the result of a subrogation of the uterus. "It is not supernatural, it is good. I have read many times that they have compared it to prostitutionbecause she reifies the woman, because she is paid, but for me nothing to do. On top of that, they say it's selfish, because you can adopt, "began his opinion.

And he concluded: "So, selfish, it's also having children between a man and a woman. it is a good option when there is a homobadual couple, as in the case of dad, or if the mother can not have them. In addition, adoption is not so easy. "

An old postcard of Ricardo with his children and Gustavo Martínez. (Archives)

An old postcard of Ricardo with his children and Gustavo Martínez. (Archives)

In as much, on the fame in general and always at 14 years, she expressed: "I prefer that they know me for something I do, not at all. I used to be between singing and modeling. But I have never attended clbades. In addition, everything I start, I leave it. Modeling, I have some doubts … it depends on what. If it's for me to be reified as a woman,"

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Lover of the series, fan of Michael Jackson Like her father and expert in birth cards, Martita also acknowledged that with her brother, there are days when they are like dogs and cats. "Sometimes we hate each other and throw things into our heads. And of others … I am not very affectionate. I do not like kisses or hugs. When he portrays him affectionately, my good brother, and that he comes to take me in his arms, I take him out. It seems heavy to me. This shows me that they like me, but even there … ", closed.



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