Victoria Kulikova, Head of Regional and Urban Development of Kropyvnytsky Regional Public Administration, Ukraine, presented a report. What interrupted it? A man started playing a video that turned out to be the viral clbadic of WhatsApp., which seems to be a thing, but it turns out to have powerful moans typical of bad videos. They told us, we never heard it …
Andréi Rudnik, director of the company responsible for road construction in this city, He reacted like a lot: he ran. It was so embarrbading when he even forgot his coat in the locker room.
The woman doing the presentation was talking about adapting infrastructure to people with disabilities, he shook his head in disapproval. The other people present could not help laughing.
Leaving the scene, a journalist intercepted him to ask him what had happened. Andréi preferred not to make statements and asked them to "do not provoke".
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