The Supreme Court refused to reopen a case against Gustavo Arribas


Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation closed today the judicial front against the owner of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), Gustavo Arribas. It is in rejecting the complaint lodged by the Office of the Attorney General for Administrative Investigations (PIA), of Sergio Rodríguez, in the case against Arribas, for alleged illegal receipt of money from abroad, as part of "Lava Jato".

Thus, the dismissal ordered by Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral in March 2017 almost in record time. That year, Arribas was involved in the Lava Jato scandal after one of the repenting of the Odebrecht affair, he denounced a series of bank drafts in 2013when defining the burial of the railway of Sarmiento.

According to the testimonies, Arribas would have received payments from a "valijero" for nearly 600 000 United States dollars and it remained there center of suspicion for alleged bribes from Odebrecht. On this point, the head of the AFI said that he had acknowledged only one of these transfers (which he had received on his account in Switzerland in September 2013). ) and that it was the sale of an apartment in San Pablo in Atila Reys Silva. Then he said that it was for the purchase of furniture.

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After the publication of the case in the La Nación newspaperElisa Carrió translated the episode into justice. The case was sent back to the office of Rodolfo Canicoba Corral, who dismissed Arribas in March 2017. The PIA appealed this decision and therefore came to court.

The PIA had asked to be examined by the parties to the proceedings. The Court found that their claim was inadmissible and thus benefited Arribas. The decision was unanimous and the magistrates considered that "the extraordinary appeal, the refusal of which was at the origin of this complaint, is inadmissible".


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