Maduro closes borders to prevent humanitarian aid from entering


CARACAS.- The gigantic challenge against Chavez, unprecedented in history, reaches its key dates. Tomorrow, the Parliament, with its president in charge, will multiply voices across the
The Venezuela Aid Live macroconcert will start 24 hours after the
"humanitarian avalanche" of aid collected at different borders.

The caravans intend to move forward with tons of medicines and dietary supplements from Colombia and Brazil by land and Curaçao by sea. But before them, the revolutionary "wall" continues to grow.

Nicolás Maduro

He ordered today the closure of the land border with Brazil and announced that he "badessed" the closure of all borders with Colombia. The revolutionary leader described the international aid of "four gandolas [trailers] of damaged and cancerous food left to the American army and which has already caused death in Cúcuta ", he harangued the generals who support him during his visit to the operational strategic command.

Without popular support, the trenches must be deeper. The government of


He raised a huge "wall" to end the challenge of the opposition. The maritime and air borders with Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao were closed Wednesday and it is not excluded that this measure be extended to all ports of the country, both for pleasure boating and for arrivals.

Another barrier that adds to the "wall" that stands on the other side of the Puente de las Tienditas, on the border with Colombia. Trailers, cleated gates and military deployment await any "invasion" attempt, to which was added a last-minute change: Chavismo will hold for 72 hours on this bridge the "concert for peace" against Venezuela Aid Live. A concert from which flee the main voices of Venezuelan music.

US planes brought humanitarian aid to Cucuta
US planes brought humanitarian aid to Cucuta Source: Reuters

Venezuela today looks like a volcano about to burst to four, llanera stringed musical instrument capable of shaking Creole hearts. This is not surprising either, as this country still seems to be boiling, as confirmed by the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela (CEV): "The deterioration of living conditions has led the country to extreme situations, especially in the fields of food and health, in its various instances, has often called for the possibility of opening a humanitarian channel. "

The church is at the head of a social majority, which is not only felt in the street The latest poll Hercon confirms that only 13.2% of Venezuelans are ready to defend Maduro, against 79.8 % who say they would do it.

Juan Guaidó


On the other side of the border, in Venezuelan territory, there would be mobilizations in the states of Táchira, Bolívar and Falcón to facilitate the entry of the aid, as well as gatherings across the country in front of barracks and barracks. military installations with one motto: "Help and Freedom". The Democratic Parliament has nearly 800,000 volunteers willing to receive the aid for which the country claims the majority.

Juan Guaidó said his two national ports, Puerto Cabello and La Guaira, would receive considerable help in this first expedition to 250,000 critically ill patients in several hospitals across the country. A ship that left Puerto Rico Wednesday to sail through the Caribbean Sea awaits its chance with 250 tons of help.

The deputies yesterday undertook their journey towards Cúcuta, while the strangers remained, which would constitute the final destiny of the president in charge. One of the surprises prepared during the previous hours was canceled by the intelligence services, confirmed to the sources of the NATION the team of the president of the Parliament. The same political police who also appeared in the border town of Colombia. Five officers were expelled by the authorities of Bogotá after being chased while spying on preparations for the concert.

Whatever the outcome of the challenge, international aid will not arrive in time for the child Víctor Pacheco, who pbaded away this week when he was only 13 years old at J.Mr. de los Ríos de Caracas Hospital. His father blamed his death on the lack of hemodialysis maintenance "and three children have already died since the beginning of the year, and we have enough that no one is paying attention to us."


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