Maduro closed the border with Brazil and considers doing the same with Colombia


"I decided in the south of Venezuela, from 20 hours (19 from Argentina), that is to say a total closure and until new order the border with Brazil ", Maduro announced during a videoconference with the military high command of the strategic operational command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Ceofanb), local media reported.

The drastic measure taken by the Venezuelan leader met in the middle of the political struggle over the humanitarian aid that the Venezuelan countries intend to bring to Venezuela. Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president of the country on January 23 in the name of the opposition – dominated National Assembly (AN, Parliament).

This aid was stored in collection centers located in the Colombian border town of Cúcuta, in the Brazilian state of Roraima and the Caribbean island of Curacao, under the domain of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

"I estimate a total closure of the border with Colombia, a warned man is worth two, a preventable man is worth two", Maduro said after announcing the decision to block the marches with Brazil.

Maduro refuses humanitarian aid, mainly drugs and food, sent by the United States and other countries recognizing President Guaidó. She announced the arrival of some 300 tons of aid from Russia, which firmly maintains its support for Chavismo. .

Last Monday, he announced the closure of air, sea and land communications with the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire.

"The provocations continue with the supposed and false humanitarian aid, I have already said many times, it is a cynical campaign without limits, cynical, Farisian, hypocritical … What humanitarian aid will be four gáslas of rotten food that were left to the United States Army, which even caused injuries and even deaths in Cúcuta, "said Maduro.


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