Macri said that he had not yet decided to allow the OSP in Change to elect the presidential candidate.


In the final leg of his tour of Asia, where he made official visits to India, Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates to secure investment and improve trade, the President Mauricio Macri He stopped during the bilateral meetings and talked about the challenges ahead.

In an interview with newspapers Clarin and The nation, the head of state referred to the national news, the elections, rearmament opposition and the outstanding issues he will have to consider until October, when his re-election will be defined.

– Peronism is joined this week to reject its decree of necessity and urgency on the extinction of power, what do you think of that?
What Peronism does speaks poorly. We do not propose the DNU because there was already three years of debate in Congress and the truth is that the Argentines want them to return what they stole.

-Has he been surprised by the union of different sectors such as Kirchnerism and Federal Peronism?
-As Argentina, it hurts. There exists (in the PJ) a vocation to preserve privileges and abuses at any price. We can not like that …

-Is it ready to allow the internal candidate for the presidential candidacy to take up the challenge of the UCR?
-I have not decided yet, but I will accept what the national table of Cambiemos says (His references are Marcos Peña, Maria Eugenia Vidal, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, Francisco Quintana and Rogelio Frigerio). I invited Martin Lousteau (on tour) to help him understand the world. I hope this has helped you to learn and convey that.

-Do you see the former president (Cristina Kirchner) as her rival in October?
-It's not what I visualize, that's what the company says. We do not encourage it. It's like that, She and her husband ran the country for 12 years and some people believe that an isolated model of the world and based on the fact that the state will provide all that is viable over time. Populism awakens fascination for a while because, of course, all the country's reserves are distributed. They left after destroying all the reserves. Everything had been consumed.

At another point in the interview, Macri was asked about the l & # 39; inflation and in this regard, he said that he would not make any other forecasts, but he badured: "We are in the order of 3% per month, but we must think that we come from 6% in September and October. If we persist in this way, we will see a systematic reduction. "

Finally, He again compared what he experienced as president with the kidnapping who suffered in August 1991 and noted: "I am the first to know how difficult it was in 2018 and the consequences that resulted. But to the Argentineans who hesitate, I tell them that if they do not reach my word, it listen to what world leaders have said who visited us at the G20 and who are sure that we must persist"

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